How Can Esports Be Good For You?

TimeCoin Protocol
Published in
1 min readDec 15, 2020

Esports has been providing young and talented gamers with a chance to make it in life! Besides, it brings more benefit than harm!

Video games are not as dangerous as people tend to believe. Over the past few years scientists have found that video games help overcome dyslexia (a type of reading and writing disorder), tolerate pain, fight depression and develop cognitive brain function (memory, cognitive task performance).

In addition to all of that, competitive (eSports) video games develop the skill of split-second decision making, manual dexterity and communication. Nowadays it’s nothing out of the ordinary when people who end up marrying first meet in a video game chat. For people with disabilities, video games provide an opportunity to live a life they were deprived of. If you care, read Mats Steen’s story — a young man who suffered from muscular dystrophy, and made a lot of good friends in World of Warcraft.



TimeCoin Protocol

TimeCoinProtocol (TCP) is a decentralized sharing economy protocol using the Ethereum. eSportStars will be the first dApp on TCP.