Investing into eSports teams

TimeCoin Protocol
Published in
2 min readOct 15, 2021

eSports keeps on growing, and the times when teams could change players like socks without giving them as much as a contract to sign are long gone. With the level of care that is put into training and supporting professional players, their value has also increased. Just like in professional sports, players are treated like assets now, and every asset has a price tag. It is no longer uncommon to hear about player transfer fees in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars.

Having realised the value of professional eSports players, a lot of organisations have been creating training grounds, eSports academies of sorts. With a little investment here and there they end up training hardened professionals that, a few years down the line, will be worth a lot.

Retired eSports legends aren’t left behind either. Since livestreaming has become a viable career path thanks to sponsorship deals and viewer donations, top eSports players can easily pivot into streaming at the end of their careers, and while doing so, oftentimes they continue promoting the team they used to play for. With lots of eyes on them — and a devoted fan following — they become very attractive to advertisers. This is a win-win situation for everyone involved: fans get entertained, brands get advertising, and streamers get paid.

Want to become a professional player? Sounds like a plan! Why not start with visiting where you can meet and play with well-known eSports players!



TimeCoin Protocol

TimeCoinProtocol (TCP) is a decentralized sharing economy protocol using the Ethereum. eSportStars will be the first dApp on TCP.