What Is TimeCoinProtocol All About?

TimeCoin Protocol
Published in
1 min readDec 18, 2020

We would like to remind you what the TimeCoinProtocol project is about at its core!

We believe that the future of the modern economy belongs to projects that form the backbone of the sharing economy. Such projects allow clients to receive high-quality services for a fair price, while freelancers and service providers get fair remuneration for their work.

TimeCoinProtocol engenders a more interconnected world in which people are free to work how and when they like; where value accrues to the worker rather than to third parties; and where creatives can cheaply and easily develop sharing economy services and deploy them without being stifled by established industry giants.

TimeCoinProtocol enables service providers to target users who match their criteria; empower users to own and profit from their reputation and creditworthiness and inspire community-derived products and services that can compete with those of big corporations.



TimeCoin Protocol

TimeCoinProtocol (TCP) is a decentralized sharing economy protocol using the Ethereum. eSportStars will be the first dApp on TCP. www.timecoinprotocol.com