The Poor Billionaire — Short Story

Joseph Knecht
TImeless stories & fables
5 min readMay 24, 2020


This is a chapter from my book “Who We Are”. The full book can be ordered on in Kindle eBook or Paperback version. Enjoy reading!!!

In a great palace surrounded by water once lived a rich billionaire. Behind the high walls of the palace, the rich billionaire lived the most lavish lifestyle. Many poor servants and serfs worked on his estate. On the other side of the palace, people lived in great poverty. All the poor people worked for the rich billionaire who paid the poor just enough to survive but not thrive. If the billionaire paid the poor their fair share, the poor could one day become rich and they will no longer be willing to work for the rich billionaire.

That is how the rich billionaire thought. That is how he lived.

There was one thing that the rich billionaire loved more than his money and riches. That sole thing was his only daughter. In a sea of darkness, she was the only light in his life. She was the reason why he got rich in the first place. The billionaire loved his only daughter and wished to give her everything that she ever needed. If the daughter needed the world, the rich billionaire was prepared to gift her the whole world.

One day, the favorite daughter of the billionaire got into an accident. She started losing blood, and her organs started to fail. She urgently needed an…

