React Native Custom Stepper

Karthik Balasubramanian
3 min readNov 23, 2020


Let us build a custom stepper component from Scratch.

3D Render by Udhaya Chandran

Tools used :

Design of Stepper Component :

Design by Fayas fs

It's very simple. It has two icons (Minus & Plus) with a value placed in between.

Setting up React Native Project.

(Skip to next section, if already done..)

Go ahead to this link and follow the steps on creating a new react native project.

npx react-native init RNStepper

To start the application run npx react-native run-ios inside your React Native project folder. Open your project in VS Code and head to the file named App.js/App.tsx. And remove the code under the return statement and replace it with:

return {

You have successfully finished creating a project.

Let us start coding now. 💃

Props :

So what are the basic props required to make the stepper work ?? 🤔

Below are the very basic props required to construct a stepper.

  1. value : the current stepper value
  2. minValue : the minimum value for the stepper
  3. maxValue : the maximum value for the stepper
  4. handleIncrement : a callback function to increment the stepper value
  5. handleDecrement : a callback function to decrement the stepper value

Using minValue/maxValue we will have to decide the state of the Stepper and possibly memoise those values too.

Now we are all set to build the component.

I have used Pressable to wrap the icons.

Pressable is a new component in React Native that can detect various stages of press interactions on any of its defined children.

So you can see that I would have added a touch-feedback to stepper in style.

The style prop returns a value pressed , the state of touch, which can be used to alter the style to give a visual touch-feedback.


I have assumed the maxValue of stepper is 100, so I would have given an absolute width value to Text,w-8 i.e. 32px. You can change this to accommodate values more than 3 digits.

In your App.js / App.tsx file

So lets see how does it work.

That looks neat 😃 !

This is Karthik representing Timeless.

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