Week Two: How Technology Evolved This Week

Elon Musk makes a reputation comeback while tech progress continues to steadily rise.

Michael Soareverix
Timeline of Technology
4 min readAug 9, 2018


This week was Elon Musk’s redemption. Not only did he prove that he could run a company as a calm and controlled CEO, he also massively drove up Tesla’s stock price and advanced the future of SpaceX.

The Model 3.

Tesla share prices expanding means better renewable energy, and more Tesla cars being sold means less pollution from transportation. That’s a small advancement in the massive field of tech, but a necessary one.

Elon Musk has also redeemed himself. In the conference call, he apologized to the analysts whose question he had called ‘boring’ and ‘boneheaded.’ By restoring consumer faith in his ability, he is taking a step forward. Because Musk has advanced rocket and electric car technology so much (obviously not by himself, but he hired the engineers who work on this) his continuing success is important to technology as a whole.

He is a very unconventional CEO, however, and is currently getting a lot of press about taking Tesla private, an idea that has a lot of merit but was proposed in a way (via Twitter) that caught the attention of the SEC (security and exchange commission). It’s hard to say where that will end up but most likely, it should be fine in the long run.

Meanwhile, the Bitcoin price tumbled to $6,300. That’s problematic for the cryptocurrency industry and a setback to cryptocurrency adoption. The Bitcoin price is mostly a marker, however, and Blockchain adoption as a whole is still continuing.

SpaceX has also developed a fully reusable rocket that practically needs only fuel. Using the a reusable ‘Block 5’ component, the entire rocket is now reusable.

Apple fans are also pretty happy, because the AAPL stock has hit a market cap of $1 trillion, the first stock ever to do so. That’s another marker in the development of technology.

And of course, the world keeps spinning, people keep working, products and technology keep being developed, and the stock market rises slightly. Although not very flashy, the continued work of 7.6 billion people means that we automatically advance farther than any entrepreneur could do so on their own.

This week’s estimation of how far we have advanced towards a perfect world is about +0.004661%. A lot of key markers were hit in technological development, and markers are the easiest way to measure, hence the larger-than-usual technology gain.

It’s time to add to our progress bar and find a rough estimation of how far we’ve come from the beginning. All of our new progress (from the start of this publication) is in blue rather than green, but because this bar has essentially gathered the inventions and progress of the last 10,000 years in green, our new progress (the blue) is not yet even visible.

Previous progress bar, made by me

Our progress bar goes from 41.49 27067% to 41.49 73668% (the change in values is bolded).

So far, our bar has advanced 0.007871% percentage points. It’s not visible yet. But someday, it will be.

Our new progress bar. If you could zoom in a ton, you would see a tiny slice of blue, about the width of 1/5 pixel. :)

An unofficial note from the writer: This series is going to continue! Every week will feature technology news, such as Tesla meeting a production goal or a new VR headset being released, and the progress bar will be adjusted accordingly.

If you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments!

Or, if you have noticed an interesting development in technology, or social work, or just in humanity in general, feel free to let me know. I’m pretty active and not very popular, so I can guarantee that you’re comment will be read, and I’ll add it to our next post. :)



Michael Soareverix
Timeline of Technology

is making a really cool physics VR game. I’m also putting together a group of talented people to share knowledge.