The last time Democrats staged a sit-in, divine intervention was needed

Today’s gun control tactic has happened before

Hanne Elisabeth Tidnam
1 min readJun 22, 2016


The last time Democrats staged a sit-in on the Congress floor was part of a savage battle over the proposed Republican budget in 1995. In the week approaching the vote, tensions between the parties reached a boiling point, as Democrats mocked House speaker Newt Gingrich.

“Is it parliamentary to call the Speaker of the House a crybaby?” one Republican protested.

On November 19, 1995, The New York Times reported: “In the House, where members had been promised that they could leave by 2 P.M., solid Democratic opposition to adjournment embarrassed Republicans into staying. The final vote was 361 to 32…. After the House vote, Republicans did not resume business but called an indefinite recess; later, they said it would last until Monday. Democrats stayed, shouting, ‘Work, work, work,’ then held a two-hour rally, although Republicans turned the television cameras off and ordered the House restaurant to close.” (The House restaurant? Harsh.)

Five minutes before 7pm, the Senate did finally approve a vote to reopen the Government and to keep going until a budget deal was reached.

