Support Timeline and help us tell history’s neglected stories

Feel like history is repeating? Break the cycle.

2 min readDec 15, 2017


There’s the history you learned in high school.

Then there’s everything else.

You probably learned about dead presidents and world wars. We want to tell you about the pioneers, the risk-takers, the people who defied convention and prejudice. We want to tell you the stories that got left out of the textbooks.

We started unearthing those stories around two years ago. Turns out there are a lot. We found the man who invented the modern alt-right. We described the riots that shook America fifty years ago — and that America hastily forgot. We created videos about amazing midwives and fighter pilots and quilt-makers and motorcyclists.

These stories represent a new way of talking about America’s past. It’s history that’s about everyone, and for everyone. And it’s our belief that once you know this history, the present starts to make more sense.

Now we need your help. We’re lucky enough to have seed money from an investor who cares about our mission. With his support, we’ve built a small team of amazing journalists here in San Francisco, and created content that is read and watched by more than 10 million people every month. That seed money won’t sustain us forever, however. That’s why we need you.

We’re not putting up a paywall because we think everyone should be able to access our content. And you won’t find intrusive ads on Timeline. Instead, we’re inviting you to become become part of what we do. For just $3 per month—the price of a coffee at Starbucks—you and your fellow members will get direct input into what we cover, exclusive insights into how we work, and our eternal thanks in the form of a shout-out at the end of one of our stories. It’s your chance to support and shape our work.

We’ll use your money to do more in 2018. That means more accounts of the remarkable people of color and women that you should have learned about in high school, but didn’t. More stories of dazzling but forgotten artists. Deeper dives into the origins of misogyny and racism and homophobia in America. We can’t promise it will all be pleasant reading — but it will make you and millions of others think differently about why America looks the way it does.

And if you want to help out more? You can set your monthly payment as you see fit. The more you give, the more we can do.

To support Timeline, simply complete our subscription form via Gumroad below:




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