North Korea started its nuclear program because it wanted to be friends with America

But George W. Bush wasn’t having it

New Visions
5 min readAug 10, 2017


North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-Il with top military generals in an undisclosed location on April 3, 2003—less than a week before his reclusive nation left the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. (AP/Korea News Agency)

When the Soviet Union collapsed 1991, there was jubilation in the West— but definitely not in Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea. This meant the end of aid from the Soviets, North Korea’s biggest sponsor since China began forging close ties with America in the 1970s. North Korea faced fuel shortages, and was entering a famine that would kill between 900,000 and 2.5 million people by 1998.

North Korea was also isolated politically. Other Communist regimes in East Germany and Romania had collapsed. America’s 1991 war against Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had proven U.S. military pre-eminence, and the willingness to use it.

North Korean leader Kim Il-sung and his son Kim Jong-il evidently concluded that their regime’s only chance of survival was to forge diplomatic and trade ties with the sole remaining superpower, according to former CNN correspondent Mike Chinoy, who has visited North Korea 17 times, and is the author of Meltdown: The Inside Story of the North Korean Nuclear Crisis.

In other words, North Korea wanted to be friends.

But as Chinoy describes it, any deal “had to be based on a projection of strength.” Pyongyang had a strategy: developing missiles and nuclear warheads as a safety deterrent, and a bargaining chip. In 1993, North Korea threatened to withdraw from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

In July 1994, after four decades in power, Kim Il-Sung died from a heart attack. State media reported that his deathbed wish was for the Korean peninsula to be free of nuclear weapons.

His son, Kim Jong-Il, adopted a policy of greater military spending known as songun, or “military first.” Pyongyang repeatedly used potential nuclear weapons as a bargaining chip.

This didn’t sit well with the Clinton administration, but in October 1994, the two reached a deal. Under the Agreed Framework, Pyongyang would “freeze” its nuclear energy program, which the U.S. claimed was also developing nuclear warheads. In exchange, a multinational consortium would build North Korea two light-water reactors, which aren’t as useful for building nuclear weapons.

North Korea rattled its sabers on August 31, 1998, launching its first intermediate-range ballistic missile, the Taepodong-1. The strategy paid off. Clinton invoked executive authority to send fuel aid to North Korea.

That same year, South Korea’s hard-line approach to the North ended with the election of President Kim Dae-jung, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate and former democracy activist. Kim announced a “Sunshine Policy” — engagement with the North. His landmark summit with Kim Jong-il led to brief reunions between North and South Korean relatives, and several joint business and tourism ventures.

It wasn’t all sunshine, though. Some North Korean military hardliners opposed peace with America and South Korea. In June 2000, after intelligence suggested North Korea’s Yongbyon nuclear reactor might be refining nuclear weapon components, Clinton nearly ordered an airstrike on it. Former president Jimmy Carter resolved the standoff with a trip to Pyongyang, and as Clinton’s presidency drew to a close, he was eager to cement a deal.

Relations warmed in a series of meetings, culminating in a top North Korean military leader’s visit to Washington on October 12. The vice marshal carried a letter from Pyongyang. Clinton viewed it as the basis for a peace deal. Kim Jong-il then invited Clinton to a summit in North Korea.

But it looked like Vice President Al Gore might lose the 2000 presidential election to George W. Bush. Clinton was also mired in the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal, and preoccupied with Arab-Israeli negotiations. He felt unable to leave the country.

After Bush won, Clinton’s staff briefed incoming Secretary of State Colin Powell on the promising state of relations. Powell was encouraged. Hawks in Bush’s administration were not. Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Undersecretary of State John Bolton strongly disagreed with Clinton’s engagement policy and “actively sought to torpedo the Agreed Framework,” Chinoy wrote in the Washington Post. They frustrated Powell’s attempts to push talks forward.

Powell persevered, holding meetings with South Korea‘s’ Kim Dae-jung in March 2001. The two agreed to continue engagement.

But in its report on those talks, the Washington Post ran the headline, “Bush to Pick Up Clinton Talks on N. Korean Missiles.” When Bush read it, Powell told Chinoy, “all hell broke loose.” When Bush himself met with Kim, he flatly refused to continue the Clinton policy.

“President Bush just woke up one morning and decided that he hated [Kim Jong-il],” Bush’s then-Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage told Chinoy. “I’m not joking about that, that’s what did it.” Armitage says Bush “started talking to world leaders in scatological terms about him. ‘He’s an asshole, I hate him. He’s a son of a bitch’…without ever meeting him.”

Then came the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. Bush declared “war on terror” and its supposed sponsor states all over the world. He invaded Afghanistan and began building a case for attacking Iraq, to keep it from developing weapons of mass destruction. Pyongyang took notice.

Bush made himself crystal clear in a State of the Union address on January 29, 2002. North Korea was in an “axis of evil” with Iran and Iraq, developing weapons of mass destruction while its people starved. Bush also accused Pyongyang of exporting and supporting terror.

South Koreans were furious—from President Kim Dae-jung on down. When Kim met with Bush shortly after, he argued for engagement.

“Even as President Reagan called the Soviet Union an evil empire, he also had dialogue,” Kim told Bush. “You can have dialogue even with evil if it is necessary. It’s not for making friends; it’s for pursuing your own interests.”

North Korea called Bush’s speech “little short of declaring war.” By December, it had reactivated its nuclear plant and expelled UN weapons inspectors. It became the first nation to officially leave the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty on April 10, 2003. The United Nations Security Council levied sanctions.

Things worsened in October 2003, when U.S. negotiators traveled to Pyongyang for talks marred by poor translation. They came away feeling the North had admitted it was enriching uranium for weapons. The Bush administration stopped fuel exports to North Korea. The Agreed Framework was dead.

In the following years, on again, off again “six-party talks” hosted by China were fruitless. The clashing bargaining styles of North Korea and successive U.S. administrations has led to numerous rhetorical flare-ups and military confrontations. Kim Jong-il died in December 2011, and under his son Kim Jong-un, relations have deteriorated further.

We don’t know if, under the bluster, the creaking Kim dynasty still wants to be friends. It seems counter-intuitive, but so does isolating a country with an advanced nuclear weapons program.

After all, despite strict sanctions, in October of 2006, North Korea tested its first atomic bomb. In a few years, security analysts say, it may have the far more destructive hydrogen bomb.

