This isn’t the first alligator attack at Disney World

Hanne Elisabeth Tidnam
Published in
1 min readJun 15, 2016

In 1986, an 8-year-old boy was also mauled

Apparently, ponds in Disney World can be very dangerous places. In 1986, a similar alligator attack happened when an 8-year-old boy standing at the edge of a small pond in a Disney World campground was bitten on the leg by a 7'4'”. The siblings of the child reportedly saved him, with his 12-year-old older sister running over to grab the boy under the arms, while his 10-year-old brother beat the alligator until he released the child. The boy escaped with relatively superficial cuts on his leg. Sadly, the 2-year-old victim of the recent Disney alligator attack was found dead after a more than 15 hour search.

