Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters
Published in
3 min readJul 19, 2022


If your grandpa bought a house for $2,500 long time ago, and now you sell it for $250,000, then the price change is because of $ — unit change mostly.

Throughout the book I was avoiding quantitative formulas for many reasons, but the main reason was the fact that variability of time makes many units and constants not constants at all. For example, a deadly acceleration, which is measured in m/sec², becomes not so deadly if time speeds up. Or, as I mentioned, Einsteinian popular formula E = mc² does not sound right when time of an object is D times slower than the time of the environment. In this case, it should be more like E = mc²D². Why?

sec is unit of measure used in “number of seconds” context. “Second” that I use throughout the book is “duration or length of a second”. “Number of seconds” and “duration or length of a second” are inversely related:

Second ~ 1/sec

because of Einsteinian and Maxwellian speed of light constant: Second is the time it takes for light to travel 299,792,458 m. You can think

Second ~ 299,792,458 m/sec,

and since 299,792,458 m is a constant, we have

Second ~ 1/sec

That explains how 1/sec which is used in:

- acceleration measurement

- Joule — energy unit

- gravitational constant G

- Planck constant h

- …

can throw quantitative formulas off and draw some physicists to wrong conclusions.

Let’s focus on Joule: J=kg*m²/sec². When a particle was created in an environment, its energy was E=mc². Time canned in the particle has a speed of Second(particle) and time of the environment has a speed of Second(space) , and there is no reason to believe they are the same now or eventually. Since this book proves that space time speeds up, let’s denote by D the factor that measures how much time has sped up since the particle creation:

Second(particle) = D*Second(space)

Energy E=mc² was canned in the particle and measured in Joules at the creation, with

Joule(particle) = kg*m²/sec² ~ (Second(particle))²

But if we say that in our time with Second(space) , the energy that could be released from this particle is still E = mc², then we are wrong — because this number for us is measured in Joule(space) , where

Joule(space) = kg*m²/sec² ~ (Second(space))² ~ (Second(particle) / D)²

The released energy is D² times less than the original — a violation of conservation of energy principle, despite the fact that the number mc² is still the same. It is like 100 lb and 100 kg are the same in number, but are actually different.

Because of this, the formula E = mc² should include the time dilation inside the object:

E = mc²D²

since we measure in Joules that are D² times less for us now.

In the nutshell: energy packed at one time and unpacked at another time should be the same actually, but not necessarily numerically, as the unit of measurement of energy (Joule) might have change. If your grandpa bought a house for $2,500 long time ago, and now you sell it for $250,000, then the price change is because of $ — unit change mostly.

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