Cosmic Web: Real and Illusion

Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters
Published in
4 min readSep 4, 2023


There are galactic filaments in the emptiness of our Universe. Astronomers even put names on the observed galactic clusters and voids:

Is it puzzling or natural to see such unevenness in galactic distribution? It would be puzzling from a mere perspective of classic gravity: mainstreamists claim that all galaxies should be (or on their way to) either dispersing into emptiness or vice versa — all collapsing together. That is wrong and it is not what we see.

Have we seen similar unevenness closer? Yes, we have: in our Milky Way.

And what is the reason for the uneven distribution of stars in our Milky Way (or any other spiral galaxy)? It is the unevenness of time: time in spiral arms runs a bit faster than outside the arms. Time difference, or time dilation by Einstein, is the cause of gravity (even mass causes time dilation around it first, and that causes gravity). In spiral arms it works this way:

And there are 3 outcomes, which make arms bright:

  • Jammed: Stars are inclined to move along arms, like cars entering highway along green arrow 1, and stars are pushed away from the condensed traffic when exiting by green arrow 2.
  • Brighter: Stars burn a bit faster in arms, because time is faster there.
  • More: Stars that are on the burning/not burning brink are switched on when entering an arm and switched off when leaving the arm (astronomers confuse such stars for newly born at an arm border, short lived in the arm, and dead on exiting the arm).

Absolutely the same effects of time dilation are observed at the scale of the Universe: there are faster time highways for galaxies. Thus, the Cosmic Web is real, because of physical effects of time dilation. But that is a half of the story.

Let’s talk about optical illusions, starting with a well-known one. Astronomers are well aware of the atmospheric refraction that shifts stars observation:

We experience the same effect of the atmospheric refraction when we see the Sun jumping out of the horizon during sunrise, and sinking fast during sunset: at lower levels of the atmosphere the air is denser, and the refraction is stronger there. Because of that, we see the Sun even below the horizon at an early sunrise and a late sunset.

Exactly by the same Snell’s law describing refraction, time dilation causes refraction as well:

The Milky Way and the Universe are filled with uneven time, we see faster time areas in spiral galaxies as arms, and as Cosmic Web filaments in the Universe. Absolute time, which is time running at the same pace everywhere and always, exists only as local approximation.

To the optical illusion part: we see the Universe through the lens of the Milky Way and through the medium/ether of uneven time, which fills the Universe, refracting light on its way. It is like looking outside not through a flat-glass window, but through a wavy crystal vase or a glass brick wall:

Astronomers are very well familiar with an optical distortion called gravitational lensing. Besides this kind of convex lensing, there is an opposite concave lensing effect caused by our time running faster than in the past: remote galaxies appear to us closer and smaller, by concave refraction. And now, there are various wavy refractions along the line of sight (which is not a straight line any more, because line of sight is not the shortest path, but the fastest path, meaning longer but faster-time routes can be taken. And besides the fastest line of sight, there could be alternative/mirrored paths/images, which were observed even through gravitational lensing.) The Cosmic Web, as we see it, is partially an illusion/distortion caused by optical effects of time dilation.

Read free Time Matters eBook (also available on Amazon and Google):

  • Spacetime is regular Space filled with Time, and not 4-dimentional surrogate
  • Time is Quantum Fluctuations, like Temperature is Brownian Motion
  • Gravity is Time Pressure
  • Milky Way and Bob Lazar’s craft use the same propulsion
  • and more …

Refresh by Yourself eBook on Amazon! if you don’t see all 52 chapters.

