What Happens When Galaxy Clusters Collide?

Since 🏴Dark Matter, 🏴Dark Energy, 🏴Black Holes, and 🏴Event Horizon do not exist.

Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters


Time dilation solves a wide range of astrophysics problems of the last 100 years:

— Why there was no Big Bang and there is no Universe expansion;
— What is Hubble Redshift and Cosmic Microwave Background;
— How arms in spiral galaxies “help” keeping stars together;
— Why some stars disappear suddenly, quietly, with no traces left behind;
— What is the Cosmic Web made off;
— Why no 🏴Dark Science is needed and Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Black Holes, and Event Horizon do not exist …

All the details are on my Medium channel and in my free eBook (also available on Amazon and Google), kick-start with đź“ť My Shorts on Medium.

Today we will discuss two of a half dozen known galaxy cluster collisions.

First image is from Dark Matter: Bullet Cluster:

“Bullet Cluster is composed of two clusters of galaxies (A and B) that collided and moved past each other.”

Astrophysicists took a snapshot of the same place by another tool watching X-radiation, marked that radiation with red color, and combined with the previous image:

Gas in the center of the image (painted in red) emits high frequency (X-ray) light. Blue areas A and B are called by the mainstream “Dark Matter”, but for us they are just areas of slower time (time dilation). We can see that “in-red” gas is mostly inside areas of slow time A and B, partially “leaking” outside, where the balls A and B are near each other. Let’s quickly explain why is that in terms of time dilation:

If D1 is the time dilation factor (D1=1.5 means time is 1.5 times slower inside) in the galaxy cluster A, and D2 is the time dilation factor in the galaxy cluster B, then the time dilation factor at the intersection of these clusters would be D1Ă—D2. When these clusters were intersecting (while passing through each other), this area was the area of matter/antimatter production (and partial annihilation), triggered by matter moving at high speed in slow-time area (explained in chapter 11 of my book). And the latest intersection area was on the sides that are seen near each other now (right side of A and left side of B), and thus containing relatively recent hot gas generated as a part of matter-antimatter production with partial annihilation process.

This cluster collision image is from NASA: Dark Matter Core Defies Explanation:

“Abell 520 is a gigantic merger of galaxy clusters. Here hot gas is marked in green, galaxy clusters in orange, “dark matter” in blue.”

For those, who, like myself, have trouble in identifying what is what in the image above, below are the 4 source images OF THE SAME PLACE TAKEN BY 4 DIFFERENT TOOLS, from which the combined image above was doctored (by overlapping those 4 source images 3.1–3.4):

The mainstream (check the article) is confused by their own explanation(s) of picture 3. Let’s explain what we see by time dilation: in the blue areas of the blue image 3.3, we see areas of slow time. Orange picture 3.2 is a picture of galaxy clusters. The left edge A and the right edge B of the blue image 3.3 belong to the galaxy clusters themselves, since they overlap orange galaxy clusters A and B in the image 3.2. Mainstream calls blue central areas of the orange galaxy clusters “cluster cores”. Central area C in the blue image 3.3 does not belong to the galaxy clusters, it is just an area in space (check “Time Matters” explanation of the Cosmic Web of space by time dilation). Thus, when “orange galaxy clusters A and B with their blue cores of slow time” were passing through the blue area C of slow time in space, time was double or triple slower there (at the intersection of cluster blue cores with the area C). As we explained before (for the Bullet Cluster): in areas of double slow time, fast moving matter triggers matter/antimatter production (and partial annihilation). Produced gas (green picture 3.4 and in picture 3) was partially retained in area C, partially carried away by galaxy clusters, and partially leaked. Why slow time attracts / contains matter (by the difference in push from quantum fluctuations) = gravity, was explained in my eBook.

P.S. Check đź“ť My Shorts on Medium.
P.P.S. What Happens When Matter and Antimatter Galaxies Collide?

