FAKE: Ignorantly Doctored Images of Our Black Hole

The mainstream hides an inconvenient truth!

Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters
3 min readMar 28, 2024


A year or two ago, I watched Rebecca Smethurst interviewing an astrophysicist who was the first to expose the magnetic field in Black Hole images (by applying polarization filters). The magnetic field that he exposed was a regular bipolar magnetic field, similar the one we have around the Sun or the Earth (with magnetic lines stretched between two poles). For the mainstream, it was an inconvenient truth, debunking Event Horizon around Black Holes, from which nothing, even a magnetic field can escape. Thus, the astrophysicist suggested that this magnetic field does not come out from the Black Hole, but

“just from the space surrounding it”.

With the recently published image, the mainstream went even further:


Let’s expose that this image was ignorantly doctored. As you can see, the field “hair” is well combed — you don’t see a cowlick. That is an important clue that will expose the fake in a minute. Can we assume that a cowlick is at the black center of the image? With such assumption, we should accept that Sagittarius A* (our Black Hole) is at a very special position to us / to the Earth — that its cowlick directly points to or away from the current position of the Earth / the Sun, see below:

With this assumption, we should accept that Sagittarius A*

A1. lay down on its side
A2. and turned like a compass with its pole/cowlick pointing at or away from our Sun
A3. at the current moment


B1. most of Milky Way stars have their axes/poles/cowlicks almost orthogonal to the Milky Way plane
B2. and our Sun is one of 100 billion stars in Milky Way
B3. and our Sun rotates around the Milky Way several times per billion years, and Milky Way exists many billions of years.

Thus, probability of A1-A3 in B1-B3 context is ZERO❗❗❗ There is no compass-like special relation between the Sun and the Sagittarius A*.

Since even mainstreamists cannot believe in such a special relation, then they should claim that

there are no cowlicks at all

in the magnetic field around our Black Hole: it is well combed from any perspective! Unfortunately for the ignorant image doctors, in 1885 Henri Poincare proved Hairy Ball Theorem:

“You can’t comb a hairy ball flat without creating a cowlick!”

Usually, magnetic fields observed are bipolar, with 2 cowlicks:


Mathematicians have figured out an artificial (not natural) unipolar field pattern:


But a pole / a cowlick must exist, and it is implausible that we do not see it in our Black Hole!

By the way, “theoretical Black Holes” with Event Horizon (where time stops) do not exist. Only “nearly Black Holes” with slower (but not stopped) time do exist. Read New Explanation of Black Hole Images, Without Holes in Spacetime.

Q.E.D. : FAKE!

