Galaxies, Not the Big Bang, Are Birthplace of Matter

Or how did galaxies appear?

Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters
6 min readOct 7, 2023


“If I had an hour to solve a problem, I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions.”
Albert Einstein

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Here we will answer what happened instead of the Big Bang, but let’s start with the right question: 1) “Was there motion in the matterless Universe?” when there was only space and time, and nothing else. Or let me put it in another way: “What was moving there, if anything at all?

ESA (European Space Agency) has an infrared telescope in space that takes snapshots of wider areas than Hubble and James Webb telescopes focus on. With these snapshots, redshift variations are measured in vast areas of space and the astronomers compile space contour maps similar to relief contour maps:

What is measured by the redshift level Z is time dilation D (since D=Z+1) in these areas of space. Usually, these values and variations are small. Even in our Milky Way and other spiral galaxies, we know that time in spiral arms runs at about 0.001 rate faster than outside the arms, meaning time outside the arms is dilated with D of about 1.001 or with redshift Z of around 0.001. But now, with James Webb piercing into the deep past of our Universe, we see areas with redshift values 15–20, thus, time dilation 16–21. To make a long story short, when there was no matter in the Universe (check the images in Chapter 5) there were blobs of slow and slower time inside fast and faster time. It is due to Einstein’s “Time is not Absolute” principle, somewhere it is slower, somewhere it is faster. Imagine having an ancient map of the Universe with slower time areas darker and faster time areas lighter, with various shades of grey. Now, would such a map be static, or will it be dynamic, meaning there is movement? Another basic Einstein’s principle is “Nothing is motionless”, except for an observer observing only himself. Map was changing, and blobs were moving. But still, there was nothing but areas of time moving around. First question answered.

Next question: 2) “Was there a speed limit?”. And remember — there was no light then.

When Maxwell came out with the speed of light c (which is 299,792,458 m/sec now) in his equations, he derived it from two constants: electric and magnetic densities of space (and by recognizing light as an electromagnetic wave). Einstein took it even further: nothing can exceed the speed of light, even by combining of a close-to-c-speed carrier and a close-to-c-speed projectile — still the projectile will hit a target at a combined speed below c. The speed of light is nothing but the definition of local-to-the-area second (time unit): second is time span, during which light travels 299,792,458 meters in this area. We already discussed above that time speed varies from area to area, and so is second. Next, in Chapter 29 we discussed time as a filler/ether of space, and that speed of light is restricted by viscosity/density of the time fabric. Second question answered: any speed is restricted by speed of time (or by local second). And c as 299,792,458 m/sec is just a way of measuring a local second.

Now to the blobs of slow time floating around in a faster time, like in this lava lamp demonstration:

We are looking at the time million or billion times slower than today, meaning for 1 second of time back then, million or billion seconds would pass today. That means that 299,792,458 m/sec speed limit, with “sec” that was back then, translates into 299 m/our-sec or 0.299 m/our-sec in today’s second (our clock ticks million or billion times faster than back then). Now, let’s consider a blob A of 10 billion times slower time, floating in area B of time that is only a million times slower. Let’s say blob A is floating at 1% of B-local speed limit, which is 299,792,458 m/B-sec speed limit, or 299 m/our-sec speed limit. 1% of this speed limit is about 2.99 m/our-sec. Now imagine another larger blob C, having billion times slower time staying in the way of blob A. Speed limit inside blob C is 299,792,458 m/C-sec, or 0.299 m/our-sec. To summarize:

  • speed limit inside blob A is 0.0299 m/our-sec
  • speed limit inside area B is 299 m/our-sec
  • speed limit inside blob C is 0.299 m/our-sec
  • blob A was moving at speed 2.99 m/our-sec inside area B, and that was OK, as it is well below speed limit inside area B.

Now to the next question: 3) What happens when blob A, moving at speed 2.99 m/our-sec, collides with larger blob C?

Blob A has 10 times slower time than blob C has, so blob A is still contained as a blob inside faster time of blob C, and it starts penetrating inside blob C at its current speed of 2.99 m/our-sec, exceeding speed limit of 0.299 m/our-sec inside blob C! Even more, as we saw in chapter 2, blob A gets a speed boost, because it comes from faster time of area B into slower time of blob C. In chapter 11, we discussed what happens when c-speed-limit is violated: blob A will burn time on its path through blob C, so time on this path becomes faster, and that lets blob A through. (Or on the contrary, blob A gets burnt out completely before it exits blob C). Time burning means particles/antiparticles/photons were created on that path. We'll get some matter and a trail inside blob C with a faster time. But there is more. In chapter 2 we discussed that time dilation gradient (coming from quantum fluctuations discussed in chapter 18) bends trajectory of any projectile: when blob A crosses the border from faster time area B to slower time blob C, blob A gets an extra push inside blob C in the direction perpendicular to “B | C” border. This way blob A is routed toward the direction to the center of blob C, even if blob A trajectory inside area B was far from being perpendicular to “B | C” border. Now we have full answer to the 3rd question:

3.1) A passage of faster time will be created inside blob C. This passage crosses blob C not far from its center (if there is such). Matter and light are generated during passage of blob A through blob C by time burning on this path, and some of this matter is carried away by blob A on exiting blob C on the other side.

By now, we spent 55 minutes (or less) allocated by Einstein for ruminating on a problem, and we are ready for (less than) 5-minute conclusion:

3.2) This way blob C becomes a spiral galaxy, for now with a straight pair of arms, which will bend eventually (remember Einstein’s “everything moves”, in this case everything contained in blob C, see a reminder below *). Later, with another projectile similar to blob A passing through blob C (and again, not far C center), this galaxy C can get an extra pair of arms.

3.3) And blob A becomes an elliptical galaxy, with some stuff carried away from the collision with blob C.

*) You still remember that slower time areas tend to contain stuff, because faster time around such areas acts as the barrier, right? Literally / physically, because of faster time quantum fluctuations pushing back.

So, galaxies were materialized by burning slow time, with shooting-star-like fireworks of matter

with such events randomly scattered in space and in time. It was not a single Big Bang like event, neither from a singularity, nor all over the space at once.

P.S. I exaggerated time differences in the example to simplify the work with numbers, but the effect of time burning would be the same even with c-speed-limit exceeded only by 0.1%: then a path with 0.001 faster time shall be burnt. Such 0.001-time difference we discussed/observed in chapter 2 for arms in spiral galaxies.

P.P.S. Next check No More Antimatter Enigma.

P.P.P.S. Q&A: “Where do the blobs come from?”

