Gambling and Nobel Prize For Physics

Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters
Published in
5 min readFeb 23, 2023


“Physics should represent a reality in time and space,
free from spooky action at a distance.”
Albert Einstein

Big Bang, Universe Expansion, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Event Horizon, Black Holes, Spooky Action at a Distance, and more …

The Nobel Prize for Physics in 2022 made big headlines because it acknowledged that the universe is not “locally real”, please check popular talk on YouTube: If “The Universe Isn’t Real…” Then What Is It? In short (no worries, we’ll make it easy) it is about some statistical inequality (named after Bell) of properties’ measurements of so-called entangled particles (which are a particle pair with strongly correlated properties at any time, any distance apart, in any measurement; more details later).

First, let’s explore the weirdness of statistical inequalities in an interesting gambling example, which seems to violate understanding of our world, but the explanation shows it is real, even for a regular person like Warren Buffett (see below).

If allow numbers besides 1–6 usual range on a die, then for this specific set of dice

purple die beats red die with probability 5 of 9 (beat means getting a bigger number when rolled),
red die beats green die with probability 5 of 9,
green die beats purple die with probability 5 of 9:

For whatever die first player picks, second player can always pick a stronger die of the remaining two to win with probability 5/9. Warren Buffett once attempted to win this game of dice with Bill Gates.

If denote statistical strength of a die over another with > sign (for the winning probability, by comparing rolled numbers) we get these inequalities:

purple > red > green > purple

That violates our intuition, because from the inequalities above we have:
purple > … purple
and both purple > red and red > … purple.

And the last Nobel prize was awarded for a very similar to such gambling case “inequalities violation” by statistics. And both gambling and quantum physics are 100% statistical.

Now, to the entangled, forever (cor)related, particles. Let’s unveil the mystery surrounding this concept, which is widely misunderstood, or misinterpreted. Conundrum literally lies in “forever”. Let’s show that Einstein was right in more than just doubting “spooky action at a distance”. Problem and solution to it lies in here: once entangled particles are created/related, each particle properties never change, unless by some brute force applied to any of the particle (but then they are not entangled anymore). Why are entangled particles’ properties fixed forever? Proof comes from the discovered by Einstein time dilation — time flow is not absolute wherever whenever, it might slow down or speed up somewhere, sometime, outside in space and inside objects or particles:

  • Relativistic time dilation — time slows down in moving objects, for example, in accelerated particles;
  • Gravitational time dilation — time slows down near massive objects, for example near the Earth time flows slower by around one billionth rate than it flows far away from the Earth.

If entangled particles’ properties are not forever fixed, then if one of the particles flies/passes near the Earth, and another particle flies far away from the Earth, and later we try to measure their properties at the same time, then it is likely that properties are not correlated anymore, because first particle lived less time (due to time dilation near the Earth) than another particle. You might object: we should not use external for particles time (to decide on when to measure at “the same time”), but we should use internal time of the particles instead. But then again, if one of the particles on its trajectory to the measurement site was accelerated, even temporarily, then it lived less by internal time (due to relativistic time dilation) than the non-accelerated particle from the pair. We have just proved that particles cannot be measured at the same time, because there is no “the same time”. Thus, their properties are not correlated anymore at the measurement point (unless these properties are fixed forever).

Forever fixed properties of particles explain previously misunderstood and misinterpreted results of a second measurement of a property (called “spin”) for the same particle/s (we are not even talking about entangled pair):
— If the second measurement is done in the same direction/plane (of the magnetic field that performs the measurement/filtering) as is the first measurement, then result is always the same as in the first measurement;
— If the second measurement is done in another direction/plane than in the first measurement, then result of the second measurement is random again.
Previously, it was interpreted as a “collapse of the probability (wave function)” only in one direction/plane, but not in other planes — and such interpretation should have raised a red flag. Now, with our forever fixed properties (but varying in plane/direction, i.e. spin property is multi-dimensional in nature) of particles explanation, we understand why a measurement for the second particle, if taken in the same plane/direction as for the first particle in an entangled pair, produces a constant result, irrespective to the time of the second particle measurement — it is always opposite (that is why called correlated) to the first particle property, and properties of each particle are fixed forever (until some force applied).

Universe is full of time discrepancies, with even more cases than relativistic and gravitational. And time speed changes not only from an area to another area, but time speed changes in the same area with time, that means time is local — local to both space/area and time/moment. To summarize, we used locality of time to disprove that “universe is not locally real”. And feel free to check my Time Matters eBook, where time dilation is used as the universal tool to debunk Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Black Holes and Event Horizon, expansion of the Universe and the Big Bang, and other mainstream speculations. And the same time dilation solves major mysteries of our Universe (Hubble redshift), Milky Way and other spiral galaxies (Vera Rubin puzzle), unveils root cause for mass extinction on the Earth, explains physics of the craft described by Bob Lazar, and more (ball lightning physics, Egyptian masonry and sculpturing technology) …

P.S. How mainstream operates:

