Gift From Zeta Reticuli

Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters


Bob Lazar:So, there was some paperwork that indicated that this was from the Zeta Reticuli star system. Now, how they obtained that I haven’t a slightest idea. That was printed in the same materials that referenced the reactor …

Details on Zeta Reticuli system can be found in Wikipedia:

Zeta Reticuli system is at about 40 light-years from us. Light-year (abbreviated as LY) stands for the distance that light travels in a year (at the speed of about 300,000 km/sec). Here is our Milky Way map with the current position of our Sun:

Wikipedia: The Current Sun Position in The Current Milky Way

Now, to understand the scale, diameter of Milky Way is about 100,000 LY, and the map above has a width of about 1,000 px, that gives the map scale: 1px = 100 LY. The yellow spot’s size is about 20 px in diameter, which translates into 2,000 LY. Of course, our Solar system is thousand times smaller than this, and our Sun is billion times smaller, as the yellow spot covers our neighborhood of about 1,000 LY radius. And Zeta Reticuli, which is 40 LY from us, is definitely inside that yellow spot. There are plenty of interesting stars inside the yellow spot: for example, the oldest known star in the Milky Way, Methuselah’s Star, which is 3 times older than our Sun, and is only 200 LY away from us.

Now, besides distances in LY (and in px on the map), we need to understand distances in time. Milky Way stars rotate at a speed in the range of 220–330 km/sec, that is about 1,000 times less than 300,000 km/sec speed of light. For example, our Sun needs 1,000+ years to cover 1 LY distance. 66–65 million years ago, when dinosaurs went extinct, our Sun was at 9 o’clock position on that map, leaving Scutum-Centaurus arm:

Sun Left Scutum-Centaurus Arm 66–65 million Years Ago

And velocities (by absolute value and direction) of stars change like in this computer simulation:

James McNeill:

Now, we have a big picture, and we can see that our Sun spent the last million years inside the yellow spot, inside which was and is Zeta Reticuli as well. Now, let’s zoom into the latest time. Current distance between the Solar and Zeta Reticuli systems is 40 LY, and both systems move in about the same direction, so with speed range for each system at about 1/1000 the speed of light, the speed at which they recede from each other is less than 1/1000 the speed of light. That means, even if Solar and Zeta Reticuli systems some time back were very close to each other, it was more than 40,000 years ago, perhaps closer to 100,000 years back. For astronomers, who have modern observation tools and powerful computers, figuring out Solar and Zeta Reticuli trajectories for the last 100,000 years should be a doable task, just like figuring out connecting flights for a vacation trip is doable for us.

That would connect the dots in the human history:

  • Megalithic (of 10–1000 ton stones) architecture in Middle East and predynastic Egypt;
  • Dynastic Egypt sculpturing in granite and diorite (with the hardness of 8 out of 10);
  • Archeological finding of these flying saucers crafts (as Bob Lazar was told).

Read more in Beyond Cutting Edge with Bob Lazar. Refresh by Yourself eBook on Amazon! if you don’t see all 52 chapters.

