Light Is Primary, Matter Is Secondary

Or a Deeper Perspective: Time Is Primary, Light and Matter Are Secondary

Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters


Time is a local property of space (actually it is physical medium of space).

Thanks to Brayton Fisher for suggesting to bring revolutionary physics website (including Dr. Vivian Robinson results) to the attention of my readers. Let’s start with and see where it goes:

“Redshift (z):
This refers to the stretching of the wavelength of light radiation. It can be caused by the Doppler effect or by photon interactions with mass and gravity. The Doppler effect occurs when a light source is getting further away, either because we are moving away from it or it is moving away from us. This causes its wavelength to appear longer and its frequency to therefore appear lower. The longer wavelengths of visible light lie at the red end of the rainbow spectrum, hence the name.

Redshift also result from a photon interacting with (or moving away from) a gravitational field. Photons have inertial mass (even though they have no rest mass), and they are therefore affected by gravity. Such interactions will reduce their energy. A reduction in energy means a reduction in frequency, and since the speed of light is constant, and this results in a relativistic increase in wavelength. This redshift is observed in solar photons arriving at Earth.

According to the Robinson model, the redshift of cosmic photons across vast distances is a result of spacetime having a form of ‘viscosity,’ resulting from the extremely high density of cosmic neutrinos. The rest mass-energy of the background neutrino flux, 10–4 eV/c2, has a temperature equivalent of 2.7K. Robinson proposes that a ‘micro-momentum’ loss of 0.00715% per million light years accounts for what is observed. (See more here.)”

Dr. Robinson derived precise gravitational formula (Newton’s and Einstein’s formulas for gravity were approximations only, very important, but not precise) based on a simple fact:

like a rock while flying up, gains potential and loses its kinetic energy, a photon (particle of light), while flying away from a gravitational attractor, loses its kinetic energy, thus, becomes “less energetic” / ”less frequent wave” / “expanded” / “redshifted” light.

Comparing the kinetic energy loss against the gain of potential led Dr. Robinson to the force

F = G×M×m/R² / exp(2G×M/(R×c²))

acting on photon of mass m at distance R from an attractor of mass M. Here, F = G×M×m/R² is Newton’s formula we learned in school, and the rest is Robinson’s correction. There is a catch we have to discuss: “mass of a photon”. But once the gravitational formula holds true for a light particle, it is cumulatively true for any particle or object mass (since mass and force are proportional by Newton’s second law of motion).

That brings us to the opening quote from “Photons have inertial mass (even though they have no rest mass)”. Mass of photons confuses mainstream physicists, because they believe in zero rest (non-moving) mass of photon, i.e. massless photon, and since they also believe in mass-energy equivalence, and since photon carries some energy, it has to have mass. Actually, photons are not massless, they are restless — that is the point of Dr. Robinson.

And to close the discussion of this formula validity, I derived exactly the same formula independently, from time potential energy. That is a common part between Dr. Robinson’s research and my research. There are differences as well. Let’s ruminate on some of these to get a broader perspective on physics of our world. For example, in the same quote

”… the redshift of cosmic photons across vast distances is a result of spacetime having a form of ‘viscosity,’ resulting from the extremely high density of cosmic neutrinos. The rest mass-energy of the background neutrino … ”

Dr. Robinson suggests/relies on neutrinos having rest mass (unlike photons). I studied this subject as well (chapter 6 in Time Matters), and came to the conclusion that there is no evidence of neutrinos being at rest, and there is an evidence for restless neutrinos. Maybe, Dr. Robinson’s position and my position can meet somewhere in between, for example, as neutrino being just a flux/blob of dilated time, with no photon trapped inside. Here I refer to Dr. Robinson’s (+ Williamson’s and Van der Mark’s) particle model of trapped photons, and to my explanation of time dilation providing such entrapment (chapter 5 in Classical Physics Beyond Einstein’s).

Let’s complete our discussion of the opening quote with this:

“The rest mass-energy of the background neutrino flux, 10–4 eV/c2, has a temperature equivalent of 2.7K.

Dr. Robinson refers to 2.7K temperature of the Universe. We agree and still have some discrepancies around this temperature and radiation, specifically on Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). In chapter 54 of Time Matters I explained CMB as thermal radiation of the Universe’s “black body”, and that the Universe was even colder in the past, and had less matter in it. That brings us to the subject of the current article — what is primary, time or light, for matter to rise from? My answer is in chapter 51 of Time Matters, showing that light, matter, and galaxies appeared from slow-time blobs collisions, like in this lava lamp:

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