Magical Space Bending and Thomas Crown Briefcase

Figment of your imagination — What a gullible breed!

Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters


On multiple occasions we have discussed that Einstein’s space bending is not real. His math describes effects of time dilation, one of which is gravity, another is nothing but refraction actually (an observer was brought into objective science to claim that diffraction was real). On one side we still have the mainstream believers in 4-dimensional spacetime surrogate reality, on the other side we have even better — time doubters. For the latter public: without time, or even with absolute time (time evenly pacing, everywhere and always, to fit in Newton’s laws), there would be no matter (no time dilation => no strong force => no matter = the Universe is empty). Lack of critical thinking is amusing (should come with “For Amusement Only!” warning). No different from agreeing to Monet’s painting folding (despite having wooden stretcher bars) inside a magical briefcase (already having a heater and a battery inside, powerful enough to heat up a museum room to the body temperature):

Magical briefcase scene …
What a gullible breed!

