Science and Technology Greatest Story, Big Bang or Bob Lazar’s?

Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters
Published in
2 min readSep 29, 2023


Since the last century there are two narratives, two big stories about our world, and each story actually denies the other.

The first one is the Big Bang story told by a Belgian Catholic priest Georges Lemaitre and originally promoted in the scientific community by George Gamow, a Soviet and American physicist. This story became the mainstream in science, media, and even for the Church as an alternative consensus on World Creation.

The other story was leaked by Bob Lazar about reverse engineering of alien anti-gravitational craft. It was originally published by journalist George Knapp in the 1990s. Bob Lazar claimed that strong (nuclear/atomic) force is basically the same as gravity, and one can be converted/scaled into another, and this way gravity can be manipulated around the craft. That did not go well with the Big Bangers, and mainstreamists dismissed Bob Lazar’s tale as anti-scientific and completely false.

Now, 30 years later, and after James Webb $10-billion-telescope staring into our Universe past and not seeing Big Bang, and after $20-billion-CERN looking at Big Bang from inside — from particles perspective, we can vouch that Big Bang is anti-scientific and completely false story. And these $30 billions were in old money, not in today’s helicopter money that are 10 times cheaper:

On the contrary, after 30 years and two my free eBooks, time dilation explains the physics of Bob Lazar observations, and the astronomers’ observations in our old Universe, in our own Milky Way and other galaxies:

Time Matters: eBook, Amazon, Google
Beyond Cutting Edge with Bob Lazar: eBook, Amazon, Google

Here are examples on how Big Bang deposition relates to Bob Lazar story:

— Optical effects of time dilation debunk Big Bang’s Universe expansion and explain Bob Lazar’s frozen candle and invisible from its beneath craft;
— Gravity as time dilation debunks Big Bang’s dark matter and explains Bob Lazar’s anti-gravity;
— Time dilation debunks mainstream’s strong nuclear force explanation and explains Bob Lazar’s element 115 fuel.

