Time Matters, 10th Edition: Special Relativity Corrected

Einstein’s mistakes in mass, in energy corrected. There is no curved spacetime, only time dilation. Many problems in Cosmology, UFO physics solved.

Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters
3 min readJun 11, 2024


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Special Relativity studies inertial motion, when an object moves at a constant velocity, without any acceleration (which is a change in velocity by definition), and without any force applied (which is proportional to both acceleration and mass by Newton’s 2nd law of motion F = m×a).

The first postulate of Special Relativity states that laws of physics do not change, whether an object or an observer rests or moves at a constant velocity. Then what to study, if Newton did that already? The only difference (with many outcomes) is: Newton studied the world where time flows at the same pace everywhere and always (which means that never and nowhere time speeds up or slows down). The most profound and counterintuitive insight of Einstein was that time in a fast moving object slows down by a factor

D is time dilation, v is speed of the object, c is the speed of light constant.

I use capital letter D for time dilation rate across the book (not only for Special Relativity). For Special Relativity it is the same as “Lorentz factor gamma”:

Despite “motion not changing laws of physics” postulate, this factor D should be applied to many physical concepts, like velocity, mass, acceleration, force etc. and, according to Einstein’s claim, to space itself. Everybody heard of Einstein’s energy-mass equivalence formula

primarily used in nuclear physics. Although you do not see factor D in this formula, it is hidden inside.

Now to the “Time Matters, 10th edition” book. If start reading it from the end, you will learn that:

  • There is no space bending (other than optical refraction by index D).
  • Einstein’s formula m = m₀×D for moving mass m with rest mass m₀ should be corrected to m = m₀×D².
  • Einstein’s formula E = mc² should be corrected to E = mc²/2.

And there are interesting outcomes of these changes.

Corrections to Special Relativity are new. And if you are interested in Special Relativity applications, check my earlier solution to vanishing stars mystery in chapter 62 of my book.

P.S. If you are interested in what replaces curved spacetime of General Relativity, start with 1-page summary here. These topics are well discussed in the book too.

