Time Variability Causes Gravity, Not the Other Way Around

2nd Part of the Puzzle

Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters
2 min readFeb 27, 2024


Time does not flow at an even pace, the pace that is the same everywhere and always, as our intuition and Newton tell us. And space/spacetime does not bend, as the mainstream and Einstein tell us. Only two things bend in variable time:

Faster time (as quantum fluctuations) pushes matter away into slower time direction. Time pressure is gravity. And since it is in the nature of time to flow unevenly, matter is not required for time dilation. But there is another half of the puzzle: “Why does time slow down near mass?” The situation is somewhat similar to this real life example:

When I swam across a 2-mile-wide river, I did not feel the current, because there were no rocks, no islands, and no differences in the current. But when I swam back, I landed about 0.5 miles down the river from my clothes.

Here is an explanation from Dr. Robinson (beware, it is technical), he talks about permittivity — electric capacitance of space:


To get the gist of the relation between time and permittivity, please read about capacitors and absolute clock design in chapters 65–67.

