Impact of Rothschild on stock market during Napoleonic era.

Sabiq Mirzai
Published in
7 min readDec 3, 2023


The Man Who Doubled His Family’s Wealth in Months (Wealth Morning)

The Napoleonic era was marked by political upheaval, military campaigns, and economic turbulence. In the midst of this era, the Rothschild family emerged as a prominent force in the world of finance. Led by Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the family established an expansive banking network that spanned across Europe. Their influence extended beyond financial transactions, as they wielded significant power and had close ties with governments and monarchs. During this time, one particular event stood out — the alleged seizing of shares by spreading false information about Napoleon’s attack on England. This article delves into the tactics employed by Rothschild and explores the impact it had on the stock market, unveiling the truth behind this cunning scheme.

1. Introduction: The Role of Rothschild in the Napoleonic Era

Napoleon Bonaparte, the famed French military and political leader, posed a significant threat to England during the Napoleonic Era. Amidst this turmoil, one financial dynasty played a pivotal role in shaping the outcomes of the conflict — the Rothschild family. In this article, we will delve into how the Rothschild's seized shares by spreading false information about Napoleon’s supposed attack on England.

Rise of the Rothschild Banking…

