Dev Blog 4: Upgrade System

Time Raiders
Time Raiders®
Published in
3 min readOct 7, 2022

By Matthew Nagy

Hey, Time Raiders Community!

Hello from me, Matthew Nagy, Lead Designer and Economist of Time Raiders.

Dev blog 4: Upgrades!

Did you know that you can upgrade your Raiders and all your Items in the game?

At launch, in the Raiders area of the Hub, on the right side are tabs to access experience point and skill point upgrades. And in the future, there are even more ways to upgrade planned.

You upgrade Raiders with Experience Points that you earn from playing the missions. And you upgrade their skills with Skill Points that you are awarded as you upgrade the Raiders’ experience levels.

All the upgrades add Hit Points and other Stats that are specific to each Raider, such as Strength, Know-How, Dexterity, and Constitution. Each individual Stat adds to the Raiders’ abilities such as accuracy, damage, defence, and many more planned for the future. All the Stats add together to make a Power Level which will be important to show a Raider Rating in the Black Market and is also important in future Multiplayer Modes.

Items (Weapons, Armour, Tech) are also upgradeable. You do this in the Armoury. Items are upgraded by combining recipes of Materials which are detailed under each individual item in the Upgrade Tab.

Upgrading Items make them more powerful:

Weapons capable of more damage, or greater distance accuracy;

Armour able to withstand more damage or provide better defence; or

Tech performing faster when used.

As you can imagine, upgrading Raiders and Items not only make them more powerful, they also become worth more and more in value both in game and in the Black Market, should you wish to sell them to other players. Fully Upgraded Maxed out Raiders could sell on the market for a lot!

This could be a good way for people to create an ongoing income for themselves: ‘farming’ the game to upgrade Raiders and Items to sell them to new players as a head start to the game.

That’s me for today. But before I go, I always like to tell you about NFTs from the INO that are coming in the next beta build!

The first thing that comes to mind for many when you mention WW2 is U-Boats. Now you have purchase your very own U-Boot NFT! This gives the players help in those sticky situations where you turn the corner to face a huge onslaught of enemies. U-Boot owners will be able to call in a sea-to-land torpedo attack to take out a whole swathe of enemies all at once, not to mention blow to bloody doors open, release goodies from any destructible, and more.

If you haven’t got yours, there are still some available on Rarible and our own Open Sea page, so go get one before release, and Bombs Away!

Speak to you in the next blog and see you in the greatest treasure hunt across all space and time.

-Matthew Nagy-

About Time Raiders

The Greatest NFT Treasure Hunt of all TIME

Players travel through time and fight enemies to find loot. They can use these precious resources to power up their characters and weapons, craft new items, or sell them on the player-to-player market.

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Time Raiders
Time Raiders®

Writing about the Greatest NFT Treasure Hunt of All TIME.