Dev Blog 3: Community Beta Feedback

Time Raiders
Time Raiders®
Published in
3 min readSep 30, 2022

Hey, Time Raiders Community!

Hello from me, Matthew Nagy, Lead Designer and Economist of Time Raiders.

Dev blog N°3!

Today we want to celebrate you, our loyal community!

During the Beta Testing, we gave you a button to press to report your bugs, but we also gave you a button to make suggestions to us on how we could improve the game, and, MAN!, you guys had some really good suggestions.

Almost all of the suggestions have gone into the future development roadmap and will be mapped out with our already planned dev tasks, so that we can include as many of them as we can in further releases as Time Raiders progresses.

But there are a few that are going to be in the next Open Beta build for you guys to retest.

You suggested that we make some improvements to the Raider Team AI logic, and we have responded! The rest of your team now make much better decisions when you are in the midst of a battle.

In addition, thanks to your suggestions, you can now control the Raider Team even more, using the new Team Control Commands. You can have them pause and stay in one place whilst you go stealthily to scout out ahead. Or you can send them into full-blown battle. And there will be more commands to come in the future.

Lastly, you guys asked us if we could add some sort of checkpoint save feature, as the level missions can be long, and you may not always be able to perform the entire level in one sitting. Well, we’ve responded and added this into the mix too! Now, you can choose to save your progress mid-level, so that you can come back to it and start back up where you left off.

Thank you so much, Time Raiders Community for giving us all these suggestions and more. You are so key in helping steer the future direction of the game. After all, making money should be fun!

That’s me for today. But before I go, I want to tell you about other NFT Tokens from the INO that will be coming in the open beta!

This time, let’s talk about Jason and Helen 2237 AD Gear! There are very cool Matrix-style leather gear that gives both Raiders boosts in their armour defence and increases the chance of a Critical Hit: with any weapon for Jason, and with a sniper weapon for Helen.

If you haven’t got yours, there are still some available on Rarible and our own Open Sea page, so go get one before release, and you too will be able to Blast your way out of a situation!

That’s all from me this time.

Speak to you in the next blog and see you in the greatest treasure hunt across all space and time.

-Matthew Nagy-

About Time Raiders

The Greatest NFT Treasure Hunt of all TIME

Players travel through time and fight enemies to find loot. They can use these precious resources to power up their characters and weapons, craft new items, or sell them on the player-to-player market.

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Time Raiders
Time Raiders®

Writing about the Greatest NFT Treasure Hunt of All TIME.