TimeRepublik’s ‘Green Pill’ Shows a World Beyond Currency

Gabriele Donati
Published in
3 min readDec 16, 2020

The greatest benefit TimeRepublik provides people is a level of trust and karma that makes them feel they can achieve anything.

It’s a hard concept to grasp because the modern world has conditioned people to see distrust wherever they look. That’s why I’ve begun to use the Matrix as a good analogy to explain how TimeRepublik opens up a world of possibilities.

Bear with me. While I know using the Matrix to explain the chaotic modern world is not an original concept, I’ve yet to see someone use it to demonstrate how time banking creates trust.

We now use the phrase “red pill” to describe an awakening moment, and any oddity or disruption in modern society will cause someone, somewhere to question whether we’re living in a simulation (like when the cat walks across the screen twice in the Matrix).

We believe fiat money is like the Matrix in that it creates the illusion of reciprocity and fairness because you agree upon a price for things every day.

But if you take the “green pill” and try out time banking, like Neo, you’ll discover a new world where anything is possible, and trust abounds. TimeRepublik operates on a completely different operating system than you are used to experiencing. Its motivations are different. And it creates a real, exponential value.

Three Steps to Mastering the Matrix of Time Banking

1. Taking the Green Pill

While we understand the world-as-is powered by money has its downsides, it is all we know. Choosing a different path takes fortitude. We are so conditioned to think the fiat-money-based economy is the only way to exchange goods and services. So it takes a leap of faith to try anything different. Signing up for a time bank is an admission that other possibilities exist.

But doing something new breeds uncertainty and fear. A first step into the unknown does not immediately bring you comfort.

2. Building Up Belief in Yourself

Once you had summoned the courage to join a time bank, now you need to either ask for help or help someone with a service. Since we often feel conditioned to do anything but ask for help. For some reason, we are not wired to show this side of ourselves. And if you are offering help, you still feel unsure of the recipients’ expectations or your own feelings about doing something for no money.

While these fears are understandable, surmounting them opens up a brand new world where you see how more cordial, understanding, and forgiving people are when we remove money from the equation.

You quickly realize that you are actually dealing with something new: the generation and provision of karma. You provide help and receive help — trust multiplies. By building relationships, you begin to identify ways to build up your karma within that community by helping others. Your belief in the sense of community expands and grows.

3. Mastering the Matrix and Encountering Limitless Possibilities

And now TimeRepublik’s lasting value reveals itself to you. The person who was a mere stranger days ago is now part of your community, part of your family, and suddenly they are opening doors that can only be opened through trust. You now realize that the market economy has suppressed the most important things that make us human.

What happens when, instead of building up followers, which is inherently a one-way connection, you build a community where you trust every person to be able to help, and, by proxy, trust each person’s community? Suddenly, you have created an extensive resilient community. By participating earnestly and openly, you unlock a seemingly unlimited supply of trust.

Think about what you would be able to accomplish with a more extensive collection of friends who you trust and who want to help you. This is the goal of TimeRepublik, to empower you to give in to trust.

While TimeRepublik will not enable you to dodge bullets and triumph in jujitsu over thousands of computer-generated foes, it does create a world of trusted networks that would have been hard to imagine otherwise.

We invite you to visit TimeRepublik to experience what I explained above. While it requires a leap of faith, we believe it has the opportunity to change your life for the better.



Gabriele Donati

Jazz Musician, Co-founder of TimeRepublik, and other things.