How To Participate In Our Token Sale Using MetaMask And Other Ethereum Compatible Wallets

Published in
4 min readSep 12, 2020


We at Timers believe in building products with love… We also believe in the so-called ‘Proof of Keys’. Therefore, we chose MetaMask over a centralized exchange for our token sale. MetaMask is a browser plugin that lets you connect to the decentralized web. All you have to do is install a basic Chrome, Firefox or Brave extension.

The extension is primarily designed to allow users to access Ethereum applications without being required to activate Ethereum directly and acts as a “bridge” between a standard operating system and this unique blockchain computing platform. In short, MetaMask functions as a crypto wallet & gateway to blockchain apps.

Buying IPM Tokens

Get your IPM tokens during this special sales event and benefit from an exclusive discount of up to 65%.

buy via website (recommended)

  • Connect your MetaMask, Coinbase or other Ethereum compatible wallets to the website. You can see your connection status at the top of the page.
  • Enter the desired amount of Ether you want to buy in the input field (minimum amount is 0.1 ETH — maximum amount is 50 ETH per transaction)
  • Click on “Buy now” to send the ETH from your chosen wallet to our the crowdsale contract address automatically and benefit from the exclusive discount
  • Gas price and limit have been adapted to ensure a hassle-free ride of your IPM. Unused gas will be refunded.

The whole process is fairly easy and done within a couple of minutes.

buying process for the experienced investors (optional)

  • Simply copy the crowdsale contract address below:


  • Send the amount in ETH from your chosen wallet to our the crowdsale contract address and benefit from the exclusive discount (minimum amount is 0.1 ETH — maximum amount is 50 ETH per transaction).
  • Check ETH Gas Station and use an appropriate amount of Gas as a fee to make sure that the transaction goes through.
  • Up the gas limit to 200K (unused gas will automatically be refunded. it can fluctuate, with this you’re on the safe side)

Only send your ETH to the stated contract address on the website.
Be aware of scammers. Our Team members will never contact you providing another address.

Watching your IPM

Distribution of tokens will take place immediately after the transaction was confirmed on the blockchain. All IPM tokens in existence will be locked for 5 days after the token sale ended and automatically unlocked on October 3rd.

NOTE: On top of that, founders and team tokens will be locked for 3 months and then vested 10% a month.

If your tokens are not yet shown on MetaMask or another Wallet in use, you can ‘add’ it manually. Click on Create Token and copy the following token contract address into the form.


The rest will be filled in automatically. Confirm the process and you will see all relevant information about your IPM.

For beginner: Installing MetaMask

Just follow the steps below on how to install the extension.

  • Go to
  • Click on Download (alternatively there’s an IOS and Android version)
  • Click on Install MetaMask for your browser and follow the instructions

Whatever browser you use e.g. Brave, it will automatically show you a dedicated Add to button.

After you’ve successfully installed the extension, the MetaMask icon should appear at the top right corner of the browser. Follow the fox and just click on it.

Add an account to MetaMask

It’s very easy to add an account to MetaMask,

  • Click the MetaMask icon on the top right of your browser again. It will ask you to either create or enter your password.
  • A page requesting a password will show up.
  • Enter your desired password and click Create. It is suggested to Save Seed Words. You can also select “I’ve Copied It Somewhere Safe” but to be honest, you should always go the most secure route as your coins will literally vaporize if you lose the data. It’s best you write it down on a secure sheet.

Importing an Existing Ethereum Wallet Address

Do you already own an Ethereum wallet? Just import it by choosing the “Import Account” feature. You will be asked to input your raw private key into the “private” key field or to provide a JSON keystone file.

Getting Ethereum

You need to spice up your new wallet on MetaMask with some Ethereum/ETH. It will be needed to participate in the token sale.

Buy ETH from an exchange you trust and be aware that there are obligatory fees associated with every transaction. If you buy 1 ETH for example, you will get back slightly less.

Finished? Then scroll back to the top of the article and start buying.

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