Why The TIMERS Forum & IPM Token Will Forever Change The Way You Think About Time

Published in
3 min readAug 28, 2020

Imagine you’re soon living in a new world where the role of the individual has changed and labor markets were disrupted. The ordinary job market might only allow for a segregation of low-skill/low- pay and high-skill/high-pay. Many of today’s jobs may no longer exist in the near future, and people will not be able to keep up with the new demands in this rapidly changing economy.

On the other hand, it is also a brave new world for those who are able to foresee what’s coming and act accordingly. The world will once again turn to technology to raise global income levels and improve the quality of life for populations around the world. A proposed basic income and, something that cannot be emphasized enough, an enormous amount of freed up personal- and quality time, will help making up for the lack of old, conventional labor.

This newly found time as a quantity in combination with the right technology will open up new markets and streams of income.

We love to point to another cultural epoch that brought similar upheaval to all societies, a time shift that ushered in a rebirth of efforts and cultural achievements last seen in Greek and Roman antiquity or simply put, the Renaissance. We also think, that now is the right time and place to once again start a renaissance, to bring forth ideas that are ripe for digitization.

Now imagine that there is a place and an ecosystem that uses your ‘time’ and brings it into the emerging world of the Blockchain that drives the economic growth of its users.

Think of a super application, that is built around this ancient, but very modern understanding of markets and their value of the individual.

We at TIMERS believe in a new Forum, this magical place where all goods and services can be purchased, offered or used according to your needs and your very own skills. TIMERS lets you cash in on your skills, so to speak, making a social status obsolete.

It is also the central place to meet and communicate and allows for not only on- but also offline trade through geobased- and near field communication. Furthermore, the forum is the locality where exchanges meet its modern equivalents in wallets and similar forms of banking. It is truly a place for everything.

Since it is a representation of real encounters and relationships between equally real people, the appropriate type of currency is time itself.

Time is representing the very essence and energy at the heart of all value creation.

As such, it is common to all people and TIMERS IPM [short for Income/Per/Minute] is its tokenized, digital variant. The IPM token is a universal language and the means of payment of the new Forum — a quasi-BABEL function, broken down to a single denominator and uniting everything. IPM is understood as time and will become a new form of cash.

The Forum will be accompanied by a simple and easy to use interface, voice assisted and inspired by flow-like design of the latest APP generation of this kind.

All of this is powered by the idea that only the blockchain truly offers the most efficient transactions and secure protection through intelligent contracts directly from home, within your local community and around the world.

We would like to invite you to join us on this journey. Support the vision and help us to create something great. A forum and investment that will be a vital part of your daily life and will enable you to literally make money out of your time.

Your friends @ TIMERS.network

