Blinken-Netayahu Tell Gazans Go To Rafah Where Zionist Planes Bomb Them

Times A Wastin
Published in
4 min readNov 4, 2023

The war criminals of the US and the Zionist state, engaged in genocide against the Palestinian people, have told Gazans to move from Northern Gaza to Southern Gaza, or face being slaughtered by the Zionist colonial butchers. That is a war crime, in itself. It is collective punishment of a population, men, women and children for an act they did not commit. Even the toothless, imperialist dominated UN has said that the demand that more than 1 million people, half of them children, and many of them sick, or already injured from previous Zionist attacks on them, is impossible. But, when those blighted people have moved South, the Zionist war machine has bombed them, as they did so, as well as bombing the hospitals, and the sick and injured they left behind. It has also bombed the Rafah Crossing into Egypt, where they — including US citizens — have been told to go, in order to leave the country.

Where is the demand from all those social imperialists that demanded a no-fly zone over Ukraine, for the same thing over Gaza? That would be the most effective means of showing that they were even-handed in opposing the use of force to occupy or oppress the Palestinians. But, of course, they have not and will not do that, because it would mean calling on imperialism to actually oppose the Zionist war machine, a war machine it relies upon to further its own interests in the region, and which it has armed to the teeth, as with Ukraine, for that purpose. The social-imperialists are not going to call on that imperialism to act against the Zionists’ state, in the way they demand it acts against Russia, because that would make them useless to that imperialism.

Of course, Marxists don’t demand such a no-fly zone either, not just because we know that imperialism has no intention of reining in their Zionist puppets, but also because we know that any such no-fly zone would inevitably be used by imperialism in support of the Zionists, and against the Palestinians. It would only be used by imperialism to further its own strategic interests in the region. Many of those told to go to the Rafah Crossing are US citizens, and other dual nationals. That the US is prepared to call on them to go the crossing, knowing it is leading them to the slaughter, by Zionist war planes, just as the Zionists are indiscriminately bombing Gaza, and have already killed more than a dozen of its own citizens, held captive in the process, shows the way US imperialism and Zionism operate. The means and the ends cannot be divorced.

Zionism is prepared to slaughter thousands of Palestinians in its indiscriminate carpet bombing of Gaza, because it considers Palestinians and other Arabs to be “sub-human”, or in the words of one of its generals recently, “human animals”. It is not the first time it has used such means against Palestinians, going back to its violent expulsion of 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and land, in 1948, to establish the Zionist state. The means — genocide, ethnic cleansing, theft of the land — are all a function of its ends, and determined by its ideology which is itself racist, and colonialist, and seeks to establish an exclusivist Zionist state on the whole of Palestine, and as its occupation of parts of Syria etc., also show, more than that if it can do so. It is also a function of its relation to US imperialism, which “has its back”, giving it the confidence that it can always engage in such acts of genocide and colonial expansion without risk. The means expose the ends, and the ends determine the means.

And, these tactics of using even US citizens as pawns to be slaughtered by the Zionist war machine, in order to serve bigger, global strategic ambitions of US imperialism are not new, as witnessed with the experience of the USS Liberty, at the time of the Six Day War, where the Zionist state, attacked the US spy ship, off the Egyptian coast, and despite its sailors covering it in US flags, which was followed by Zionist war planes then strafing the US sailors, in the water, like something from “Tomorrow Never Dies”. (See above link for details of a number of documentarises covering the affair). The purpose was to blame Egypt for the attack, as pretext for a US nuclear strike on Cairo.

The Zionists have amassed an invasion army on Gaza’s border — which seems an open invitation for it to be a target for Hamas and Hezbollah rockets, drone strikes and so on — and the best way of stopping it from going ahead with its proposed “final solution”, is for workers across the region to mobilise to stop it. Workers in Israel should call a General Strike, and use it not only to prevent military supplies being used in their name to commit genocide, but also to overthrow not just Netanyahu, and his fascist government, but also the Zionist/imperialist state itself, and to put in its place a secular socialist state of Israel and Palestine, guaranteeing equal and universal rights to all within Israel and Palestine. But, it would also require similar developments in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran, as well as in Saudi Arabia and the other feudal Gulf states. It would need to link up with workers across the Mediterranean, in the EU, and in Turkey.

The US imperialists and their Zionist war machine have lit the blue touch paper, now the global working-class should explode the bomb of global class war against them, and the ruling class butchers everywhere.

Originally published at

