Genocide Joe Denies The Reality We All Can See

Times A Wastin
Published in
6 min readMay 23, 2024

The International Criminal Court has called for arrest warrants to be issued for Netanyahu and Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, for war crimes and crimes against humanity, as a result of the genocide the Zionist state is undertaking in Gaza. Netanyahu of course, claimed that the decision by the Chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, who was Israel’s preferred choice for the post, was yet another example of “anti-Semitism”. Netanyahu’s attorney, Genocide Joe Biden, of course, has backed his claims, denying the reality of the genocide we can all see with our own eyes, and again illustrating the sham nature of bourgeois-democracy, and its so called rule of law, and international rules based system.

The bourgeois-democracy is a democracy designed only to ensure the continuation of the social dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, the rule of law, consequently the rule of the laws created by the bourgeoisie, in the interests of the bourgeoisie, interpreted by the bourgeoisie, and enforced by the bourgeoisie’s state. The international rules based system, is likewise a system of rules created by the dominant sections of the bourgeoisie, in its most powerful imperialist states, for the benefit of those states, and enforced by those states.

Of course, occasionally, even the sham bourgeois-democracy throws up a spanner in the works, an elected government that challenges those interests, though the whole working of the system, and of the state, makes it very difficult. Occasionally, even the bourgeois courts might throw up a ruling that the bourgeoisie does not like. But, there are a multiplicity of mechanisms to neuter such events. The reaction of Genocide Joe, illustrates one of them, which is the ruling class that makes those rules, can simply ignore the very rare decisions that do not go their way, whether in elections, or in court rulings. They have the power, the control of the state, of the bodies of armed men, to be able to do that.

So, unfortunately, although everything Owen Jones says in this video is true, his conclusion from it is false. The US will not arrest Netanyahu and his gang, if they go o the US, because that gang is carrying out the interests of US imperialism, via its genocide against Palestinians. As Genocide Joe once said, himself, if Israel didn’t exist, the US would have to create it, and, indeed, it is, in reality, a creation of US imperialism. Having, the ICC acknowledge what all the world can see, but that imperialism, and its Zionist gauleiters seek to deny, is useful, but the idea that anything will come of it, simply by public opinion being mobilised is just another bourgeois-democratic delusion, pure bourgeois formalism. Nothing will, ultimately, come of it, unless, the working-class is mobilised to overthrow capitalism.

The same bourgeois formalism is what stood behind the delusion of the so called two-state solution, the reality of which is also being exposed as every day passes. We now have Ireland, Spain, and Norway being the latest states to join the majority of other states in the world, that acknowledge the reality, obvious to all, that what exists is, already two states — Israel and Palestine. Yet, the existence of those two states has provided no solution for either the Palestinians, nor the Israeli Jews. Certainly, as Trotsky warned, back in 1940, it can offer no progressive solution, only a continued conflict, and carnival of reaction on both sides of the border, between them.

The idea that two states could provide a solution is based on pure bourgeois formalism, of the idea that just having some piece of paper, some acknowledgement in bourgeois, international law of the existence of a state, would ensure that those within it could live their lives in peace, and harmony with other states. It is the same idea of bourgeois-democracy, and of social-democracy, purveyed by Stalinism, in the concept of “Socialism In One Country”, of gaining “breathing space”, as set out in the “stages theory”. It is delusional, because the imperialists have no reason to simply observe such niceties, when they have the power to override them, when it is in their interests to do so. Indeed, the US is now proposing to take action against the ICC, and its staff for having the temerity to haul the US’s allies before it, for the war crimes everyone can see they are committing!

All of the arguments put up by the Zionists and their imperialist sponsors are nonsense, as set out, in this video.

But, it doesn’t matter. The US, and most of its subordinate allies in Europe will not arrest Netanyahu and his gang. In those European states where that might happen, they will simply be told to stay away. The US, despite being the main sponsor of the delusional notion of the two state solution, continually refuses to do the basic thing required for it, of recognising the existence, even, of a Palestinian state! That has been the basis of its argument for ignoring the ICC ruling, on the basis of jurisdiction, completely at odds with its argument, and immediate support for the ICC’s issuing of arrest warrants against Putin!

What is far more likely, is that the arrest warrants against the leaders of Hamas will be executed, and it is they that will be hauled before the court. After all, as one elected politician from those imperialist states put it, “the ICC was created for Africa, and thugs like Putin”, not to actually put the genocidal thugs allied to US imperialism in the dock. It may be that, at some point, Netanyahu, will be sacrificed by US imperialism, as it has done with its henchman before, but not before the goal of exterminating the Palestinians has been achieved, leaving the road clear for the Zionist state to establish normal relations with Egypt, Jordan, and the Gulf states.

The fact that a majority of countries recognised the existence of two states, does not change the reality that one of those states, Palestine, is not allowed to function, and will not be allowed to function, as a separate state, by the Zionist state, and its US sponsor. It certainly does not change the reality for the Palestinian (and wider Arab), as well as Jewish working-class, that these states are viciously anti-working-class states that offer no progressive solution for them, and, on the basis of Zionism and reactionary nationalism, keeps the working-class of the region irreconcilably divided, and subordinated to the ruling class, and its state.

And so, the fact that all of this becomes more apparent with each day, as the sham nature of bourgeois democracy crumbles, as it tries to deny the reality that everyone can see with their own eyes, and resorts increasingly to a denial of basic bourgeois democratic freedoms in the West, so as to suppress the criticism of it, that does not change the fact that, without overthrowing capitalism, all of this furore, will itself, eventually subside, and things will roll on as before, with the ruling class and imperialism having achieved its aims. The idea that it will not is just an application of the deficient strategy of the Left, over many years, of “more militancy”, and “build a bigger demo”.

So, whilst its useful to expose the sham nature of bourgeois-democracy, its rule of law, and international rules based system, its necessary to ensure that what is being done is precisely that, and not to sow further illusions in it that if only a bigger popular movement is built, more public opinion mobilised, something fundamental will change. It will not, unless capitalism itself is overthrown, and socialism put in its place. So, things like this are useful, but limited.

Unless its pointed out that the ruling class will simply ignore such challenges if they seriously threaten its power, that they will subvert any such decisions, and ultimately, if their rule is seriously threatened, will just sweep bourgeois-democracy aside, as they did in Italy, Germany and Spain in the 1920’s and 30’s, and in Chile in 1973, the result is to simply sow further illusions in bourgeois-democracy, and so to lead workers into another such disaster, or at best into a demoralising dead-end.

Originally published at

