The Zionist Rogue State

Times A Wastin
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2023

The Zionist state in Israel-Palestine, has become the world’s primary rogue state. Its vicious, genocidal attacks on civilian men, women and children, surpass anything committed by the likes of, for example, North Korea. For decades, it has got away with rogue behaviour protected by its imperialist allies and masters, in the US and EU, as well as by an entrenched network of Zionists in labour movements across the globe, but its current slaughter of civilians in Gaza, the deliberate targeting of hospitals, and schools, as detailed by independent observers, doctors from the Red Cross, UN, WHO and other NGO’s, are qualitatively different in scope and barbarism. In the past, US imperialism talked about an Axis of Evil. Marxists do not use moralistic terms such as evil, but if we did, we would have to conclude that the Zionist state is, currently, its well-spring.

The Zionist state is a Bonapartist state, representing an ultra-nationalist, fascistic and racist ruling caste of Zionists. It is even at odds with a large number of Israeli Jews, as seen in recent months, let alone with Israeli Arabs, or the Arabs in the territories it occupies. When Marxists talk about states, we do not talk, abstractly, about the nation state, but about the capitalist state. The British capitalist state, for example, is not the state of British “people”, but of the British ruling capitalist class. The same is true of the Zionist state. It is not the state of the Israeli “people”, not even the Jewish people in Israel, which is the lie that Zionists try to purvey, but only of that ruling Zionist caste, much as was the case with the German Nazi state, or the Stalinist state in the USSR, both of which were models upon which the Zionists built their ideology for the creation of a totalitarian state.

The Zionist state was built on a lie, and its wholly artificial nature, required the perpetuation of that lie, but, also, in order to keep in place the ruling Zionist caste, huge levels of repression, to deal with the intense contradictions built up within the system. In fact, at the same time that the Zionist state is illustrating that in its holocaust against the Palestinians, Israel itself is imploding. Marx noted that a nation can never be free so long as it holds another in chains, and that is being manifest once more within Israel. Not only is the regime facing opposition from Israeli Jews, but across the globe, non-Zionist Jews are joining with liberals and socialists to condemn the vile, genocidal, and reactionary nature of the Zionist state, a state whose nature cannot be divorced from the ideology of Zionism itself.

The lies told by the Zionist state, became ever more ludicrous, on the same basis that Goebbels talked about the need, if you are going to tell a lie the bigger the better. But, that whole modus operandi of lying, is also the modus operandi of the Zionists, and defenders of Zionism, outside Israel, too, be it Biden and US imperialism, Von Der Leyen and EU imperialism, Sunak and British Imperialism, or their reserve teams such as Trump and Starmer, or those like the AWL, Labour Friends of Israel, and so on, and their international equivalents. The most obvious example of that was the equating of anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, and the big lies told, thereby, to launch the fake anti-Semitism witch hunt inside the Labour Party against the Left.

But, the world is now seeing the big lie of Zionism played out in real life, despite attempts by the Zionist state to black out the view of their atrocities in Gaza, and the attempts of imperialism and its media to censor any real criticism of those atrocities. All those that defend the Zionist state, now, are branded with the same mark of Cain, for all the world to see. Those within the labour movement should be cast out into the wilderness.

Originally published at

