Zelensky Found Lying Again

Times A Wastin
Published in
2 min readJul 9, 2023

According to Ukrainian President Zelensky, Russia had placed explosives on the reactors of the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, which for months has been under Russian control, and with Russian troops stationed there. But, the IAEA inspectors at the plant have found no such explosives. This is reminiscent to the claims made, by people with an axe to grind, about the existence of WMD in Iraq, in 2003, that led to the Iraq War disaster. Its obvious why Zelensky should make such claims, because he wants NATO to step up its war with Russia.

Of course, Zelensky’s claims were parroted by the pro-NATO “Left” in Britain and elsewhere, just as they have previously parroted claims that car bombs in Russia were not the work of Ukrainian agents, that it was Russia that blew up its own Nordstream pipelines, or that it blew up the Nova Khakovka dam. Within weeks it was shown that Ukrainian agents were responsible for the car bombings, the US, now, seeks to blame Ukraine for blowing up the Nordstream pipelines, as though it could do that without NATO assistance and approval, and the Washington Post documented that, back in December 2022, Ukrainian Generals proposed blowing up the dam, and launched HIMAR missiles at it!

There is even video of the Ukrainian missiles striking the dam from back then, which western news media, recently presented by mistake, thinking it was showing the most recent breach of the dam!

At every stage, the pro-NATO “Left” have swallowed the propaganda of Zelensky and NATO, and, in doing so, they strengthen the position of Putin, and those to his nationalist Right, because, as workers in Russia see this “Left” simply siding with NATO and Zelensky, and blindly pumping out its propaganda, when that propaganda is shown to be false. it gives Putin the ability to easily refute it, and link the pro-NATO “Left” to it. He is able all the more to say, you have to rely on me to protect Russia from all of these enemies.

Already, we have seen one military pundit, wheeled out on Sky News to say that Putin should be warned that any explosions at the nuclear plant would result in the full weight of NATO being unleashed against Russia — in other words, World War III. It gives every reason for Zelensky, the Azov Battalion or other rogue actors to stage such explosions.

Originally published at https://boffyblog.blogspot.com.

