The messenger

Luka Calovic
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2020

I can’t even begin to describe my excitement to witness such a monumental step forward in primitive medicine! Early accounts of COVID-19 mRNA vaccinations sing praise of the impact it had on overall global healthcare, and humanity’s fight against the virus.

Most of them.

The others, well, they’ve been a wonderful source of entertainment for the past millennia. Many a sci-fi and fantasy narrative has been inspired by these wacky beliefs, including one of my favorites The Face Mask of the Red Death, by Edward A. Ope, which tells the story of a lab tech in ancient China who was secretly working for a [REDACTED] government, and was tasked to develop a deadly virus to be used as a bio-weapon in order to strike fear into Earth’s population, and force mass vaccinations. This, in turn, would serve as means to implement a microchip (how wonderfully primitive — micro lol) into humans, so that the [REDACTED] government can track them and control their minds. But then a group of very smart and brave warriors, champions of reason, no less, took to the streets and eventually managed to overthrow the [REDACTED] government!

Heh, it may seem whimsical to us now, but some of y’all were dead serious back then! Well, back now, more like. It’s been so long, I sometimes forget when I am… Sigh.

Anyway, what was most compelling about that story, and widely regarded as borderline prophetic, was that such claimed early 21st century technology to control human behavior won’t even have been developed for the next 100 or so years! And its application will have been vastly more sophisticated than forced vaccination, really. You won’t even notice when it happens, trust me.

In any case, the reason why this particular vaccine carries such significance is because this is the first time in Earth’s history that an mRNA vaccine has been licensed for use in humans! Until that time, getting yourself vaccinated meant you’re were about to have a tiny amount of the dead virus injected into your body in order to trigger its immune system and help fight it.

As primitive as this may sound nowadays *scoffs*, this was actually a rather successful method of containing the spread (granted, only if enough people, around 70% of any given geography, actually gets the vaccine, if they’re able to).

Now, what an mRNA vaccine does, is that it essentially “teaches” the cells how to create a protein which triggers an immune response inside the body. The response will produce antibodies, and that is what protects the human body from getting infected if it gets in contact with the real virus. And it is real, regardless of what some of y’all might believe.

What I’m trying to say is, as much as I’m bummed that I’m still stuck here in the 21st century, I’m looking forward to witnessing several such major leaps in technology and medicine that will irrevocably improve on the human condition!

This is all I can say at this point, lest I get [REDACTED].

Speak soon!

