New Collateral: weETH from WOOFi

Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2023

GM Time Travelers 🧑‍🚀

New collateral has spawned into the Time machine, enabling you to unlock temporary liquidity and non-liquidatable leverage for ‘Supercharger Earn Vault’ tokens, starting with weETH. weETH is now becoming superfluid collateral while earning supercharged yields through auto-managed liquidity provision. Read along to know what are we unlocking with the new weETH/USDC pool on Timeswap!

What are WOOfi’s ‘Supercharger Earn Vaults’?

WOOfi is a DEX which gives deep liquidity and price efficiency of a CEX. It enables WOOfi to give the best execution to traders while charging very low fees. WOOfi LPs on the other hand get the most capital efficient Volume/Liquidity ratio for the assets supplied. But WOOfi goes one step further with the ‘Supercharged Earn Vaults’ giving a single-sided LP experience to the vault depositors while assuring Zero Impermanenet Loss.

The Supercharger Earn Vaults leverage the sPMM i.e. the ‘Synthetic Proactive Market Maker’ which enables a Proactive Manager to manage the liquidity on your behalf. The proactive market maker uses multiple strategies like Hedging the Spot fills by making a trade in the opposite direction on WOO X. The liquidity deposited by users of Supercharger vaults is borrowed by the liquidity manager, who pays a fixed borrow APR to the vault depositors.

You can get weETH by depositing in the ETH Earn Vault, here:

Making weETH a Superfluid collateral on Timeswap

The Timeswap AMM, owing to its oracleless design, is capable of creating money markets for any token pair. These isolated pools help borrowers unlock fixed-term, non-liquidatable loans by locking their collateral tokens. The lenders on the other hand get access to fixed yields.

With the all-new weETH/USDC pool launch, we are enabling weETH to become a superfluid collateral. Now, the weETH holders can borrow USDC at a dirt-cheap borrow rate while staying isolated from any liquidation risk. This also unlocks many yield farming and leveraging opportunities.

Unlock the following with the USDC/weETH pool:

  • Borrow USDC at a fixed 0.3% APR for [y] days.
  • Use the borrowed USDC to accumulate more weETH, getting leveraged exposure to ETH and the Earn vault’s yield.
  • No Liquidation risk.
  • Lend USDC to earn 0.3% fixed yields.

Access non-liquidatable loans for your weETH here ->

The days of LP tokens and Vault shares being illiquid are gone, they’re superfluid now!

Pool Details

  • Network: Arbitrum
  • Collateral asset: weETH
  • Supplied/borrow asset: USDC
  • Transition price: 1400 weETH/USDC
  • Maturity: November 2, 2023 at 12:00 UTC (i.e., ~6 weeks)

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