Quarterly Update #1

Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2023

Find out everything we did!

Time travelling can be a hectic affair. Which is why we are boiling down what the Time Machine has been up to in one place! From Multichain of Madness to Meteor pools, this is your essential resource to safe time travel.

Multichain of Madness continues

We have been hard at work expanding to new chains and we are up to 5 now: Polygon PoS, Ethereum, Arbitrum, Polygon zkEVM and Mantle Network!

We launched on Arbitrum with ARB pools mere hours after the token itself launched. This was only possible due to our oracleless design which can price assets without the need for a price feed! The pool itself turned out to be wildly successful.

Mantle Network and Polygon zkEVM were our next launches. While we have launched with solo pools for now, more is on the horizon.

It truly is L2 summer out there for Time Travelers!

Exotic Assets

There are some highly reliable assets like LP tokens which have not seen much uptake in DeFi. These exotic assets now have a new home in Timeswap! Want to find out more about them? Just read this blog!

For a quick overview of the many exotic assets we have enabled to become superfluid capital, just look at the thread below!

Why can Timeswap do this without architecting our design specifically for these assets? Simple. Our oracleless design allows us to natively price assets without relying on external parties. So, we can integrate any ERC-20 asset without the need for modifying the protocol!

As one of the earliest proponents of the oracleless model, we feel vindicated to see so many other teams building in the same space. Securing money markets in DeFi is non-negotiable!

And it’s not just ERC-20 assets! We now also support ERC-4626 assets, allowing us to leverage Vault products that are quite popular in DeFi, starting with Aura Finance.

We’ve even enabled money markets for assets that had no existing liquidity pools, like plsARB! This was made possible because we issue non-liquidatable debt and don’t need other markets for the protocol to function properly.

Other Highlights

In other news, we recently crossed $10 million in volume and we haven’t even been live for a year! Thank you to all the Time Travelers swapping their tokens through time.

We also launched Meteor pools, which are short dated pools for volatile assets that allow users to capitalise on volatility to make profitable plays, all without the fear of getting liquidated.

There’s also the newly launched Timeswap VIP program for those who are seasoned Time Travelers, taking down the biggest enemies of the timeline!

Time Travelling can be a lucrative venture and we already have many users pulling off impressive manoeuvres that net them similarly impressive gains.

This is just the tip of the iceberg! We are cooking up more products and strategies that will help Time Travelers multiply their assets with no liquidation or oracle risks. More details soon!

If you still haven’t tried Time Travelling, there’s plenty of room in the Time Machine so get on board!

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