Greeting Timetroove

Andrey Stehno
Published in
2 min readAug 19, 2023
News Trends Extraction & Top-lists

Timetroove is a revolutionary project that aims to provide businesses with valuable insights by collecting news from the internet, extracting trends, and converting them into structured data. With Timetroove, you can apply prompts and build trends charts to help you make better business decisions.

One of the unique features of Timetroove is its ability to show the history of trends and compare charts with other structured data from blockchain, stock market, and other sources. This allows businesses to gain a better understanding of how trends evolve over time and how they relate to other market factors.

Charts, Trend comparison

In addition to its core functionality, Timetroove also allows for custom providers to provide additional insights that can be tailored to your specific business needs. This makes it a powerful tool for businesses that want to stay ahead of the competition and make informed decisions based on the latest data available.

Overall, Timetroove is an innovative project that has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses collect and analyze data. With its powerful features and customizable options, it is a valuable tool for any business looking to make better decisions and stay ahead of the curve.




