1000 Hours for 1000 People: Everyone Should Try Therapy (Get Your First Session FREE)

Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2018

Therapy changes lives. Or perhaps better put: therapy saves lives.

So why is it here in the UK so many of us leave it until breaking point to reach out?

In our mission to get more people to experience the transformational benefits of good therapy, we’ve dedicated our time to understanding what’s holding people back from taking that first step. Here’s what we’ve learnt:

  1. “I don’t really understand what it’s about so how do I know it’s worth it?”

Let’s face it, therapy still feels like a bit of a mystery. Before setting foot in their therapist’s door, most people still have a lot of unresolved questions in their head:

  • What actually happens in therapy?
  • What if I don’t like my therapist?
  • How’s it going to help me?
  • How do I know if it’s worth the investment?

2. “I’d like to try therapy but I’m scared of making a commitment before knowing that it’s right for me”

Personal stories like, “my therapist helped me through a really difficult moment in my life” or “therapy helped me overcome my anxiety” are great but they still leave us scratching our head asking, “but how exactly?”

Both doubts have led us to the same conclusion: sometimes you’ve just got to try something to understand the benefits.

And so we’ve set to work on 1000 hours for 1000 people, a new initiative to get as many people as possible into therapy. We’ll be sponsoring 1000 first sessions for FREE for anyone looking to give therapy a go.

And to be clear: this comes with zero commitment.

You don’t like it? You can tick something off your list with nothing lost. You don’t like your therapist? We’re offering you the opportunity to try a new one for free. You want to continue? You might just have found something truly life-changing.

If doubts have held you back from giving therapy a shot, now’s your moment. Sign up here and we’ll get you set up for your first FREE therapy session straight away.

(NB: If you’re reading this, there are still free hours left!)

Originally published at timewith.co.uk.

