Cloud Atlas Sextet

Unofficial spawn of the Cloud Atlas Movie…

Timi Ajiboye


Monday, March 18th. 2013.


I'm a few months shy of being two decades old.
Leaving the threshold of being a boy. Slowly dissolving into the solvent of manhood.
But contrary to the assumptions of those around me.

My life hasn't even begun.

I will live on and become the manifestation of the word great.

Everybody is wrapped up in their own worlds.

The challenge (for me) is to stretch your own world….you…into a bigger than life, phenomenon.

Affecting people as much directly as indirectly.

Effects of which the source shall be obscured by time, and number of turns and conversion of forms.

And I will die long before all the ripples my stone drop in the pond of existence pewter out.

The falling domino effect of my life shall culminate in the creation of like domino effects.

Seemingly unfortunately, it’ll all end up being a drop in the ocean.

“But what’s an ocean if not a multitude of drops?”

But what’s an ocean if not a multitude of drops?



Timi Ajiboye

I make stuff, mostly things that work on computers. CEO at Helicarrier (