Tims Log — #2

Log #2 — Keeping track of the life and times of Tim Holman.

Tim Holman
Tims Log
1 min readNov 29, 2016


Kapow, Tims Log, 2nd edition… Felt like I got a lot of variance this week, which is very refreshing.

  • Made a small public list of websites focusing and promoting positive political action (USA based). Small and big things you can do each day. Although the list is tiny, I hope to improve on it throughout the next year.
  • Wrote a small piece of my findings, when I trashed my LinkedIn profile.
  • Dropped the hottest album of 2016 … people who have seen Rick and Morty will understand the joke, the rest will just be confused. Although its simple, it was fun to create the music.
  • Created this little pen based on this Tumblr post. And wrote is a brief walkthrough of that code.
  • Inspiring online had 12 new posts, and 1 new contributor.
  • Recommended 1 new story on pocket, (The shoemaker and the devil) … I use pocket almost exclusively for reading short stories, which I mostly browse while on the train. No tech here.

PS: If Email is your thing, these logs also shoot out via email. Sign up here.

PPS: You can also always find more of me on Twitter, GitHub or my website.

