How to Create an AI Agent Team for a Use Case in 5 Minutes?

Timur Taepov
Timur AI
Published in
1 min readApr 24, 2024

Have a use case that needs to be solved and want to quickly assemble a team of autonomous agents? Let me show you how to do it.

This post is applicable to the CrewAI framework. The folks at CrewAI have not only created an awesome framework, but they have also taken care of us by creating a GPT application for ChatGPT, which includes all the framework documentation. This makes our lives significantly easier!

1) Go to Explore GPTs and find the CrewAI Assistant.
2) In the dialogue, click on Help me create a crew for a use case.
3) The chat asks for details about the Objective, Roles, Tools, Processes. Provide more details for each item. It’s enough to just specify the Objective.
4) The chat outputs the team structure, and we simply ask it: Please provide the complete Python script for this.
5) Done! Our team setup in the form of a usable Python script is ready. Take it and tweak it if necessary.

In just 5 minutes, you have a team of autonomous professionals at your disposal.

