What is a TBond?

Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2019

TBond is the service you can choose if you want to withdraw and sell TMV to get ETH fast and easy. It is also a possible source of additional income. While using TBond you’ll receive an annual interest in TMV. The annual interest depends on the amount of TMV issued via the TBox linked to your TBond.

How does it work?
You can be both the holder and the emitter of a TBond. The emitter creates a request to issue a TBond to get a Leverage in ETH for a collateral in ETH at the current exchange rate. TBond has an expiration date and it has to be paid back.

When a TBond is issued, a TBox linked to this TBond is created. We can say that TBond “owns” this TBox. The emitter has to pay a fee, which is currently 0,5% of the received ETH when a TBond generation request is executed.

When the deal is completed, the user, who bought a TBond, becomes its holder. The holder’s benefit lies in the annual interest from 0% to 10 % the emitter will pay when the TBond expires. If the emitter hasn’t returned TMV before the TBond expires, all the rights for the TBox linked to the TBond go to its holder.




Financial and technological project with own ecosystem of services and Timvi (TMV) stablecoin