Why keep an eye on the TBox?

Published in
1 min readDec 6, 2019

Depending on the collateral, a TBox can be safe, toxic and frozen. The collateral of a safe TBox is <112.9%, of a toxic TBox — between 106 and 112,9%, and of a frozen TBox — >106%.

If the collateral of a TBox is lower than 112,91%, this TBox becomes available for recapitalization by other users. This means that you can lose, on average, about 3% of the total amount of the deposited ETH and withdrawn TMV. To prevent other users from recapitalizing your TBox, you need to track its collateral.

The percent of usage circle becomes red when a TBox is close to becoming toxic. Deposit more ETH or TMV to increase its collateral.

You can also maintain the safe collateral of other users’ TBox by using the recapitalization mechanism and receive rewards for it. Deposit TMV in a toxic TBox and receive an equivalent in ETH as well as a reward of 3% of the recapitalization amount.

If you want to receive TMV and don’t want to track the collateral of a TBox, use the 1by1 service or become a TBond Holder.




Financial and technological project with own ecosystem of services and Timvi (TMV) stablecoin