Why Timvi is better than a loan?

Published in
1 min readNov 7, 2019

Do you have savings in ETH and want to buy a car? To buy your dream car you’ll have to sell your ETH. However, this can be unprofitable if you expect the ETH rate to grow. Our system provides two ways to buy a car and keep your ETH.

1. You create a TBox, lock your ETH and receive TMV with a safe collateral (for example, 150%). You withdraw TMV and buy a car. In order to get your ETH back, you’ll have to deposit TMV in your TBox again.
2. You use a Leverage and create a request to issue a TBond and get your funds in ETH. Withdraw ETH and purchase a car. After this, you return a sum in TMV to get your ETH back.

Compared to a usual loan, in our system, you don’t have to pay any annual commissions or fees for your TBox. You continue to save up your ETH and even can earn if the ETH rate grows.

Check out our platform at https://app.timvi.com/




Financial and technological project with own ecosystem of services and Timvi (TMV) stablecoin