The Crush Club — a social experiment

It’s time for a change

Ruth Tupe
Tinder Lovin’
4 min readMar 29, 2017


This is about finding connection 🌟, not matches.

This a social experiment to change the way you approach relationships. We’ll do the ‘swiping’ for you — introducing you to people you connect with. How? Just sign-up, fill out the survey, and answer honestly. From there, we’ll help you find people around the city that you’d vibe with.

In fact, you will be invited to parties to meet these folks. All you have to do is show up, be yourself, and make new connections. 🚫 No profiles, no swiping, and no more cheesy pick-up lines. All that stuff is just a game and doesn’t help you find true connection.

When you get an invite, we’ll let you take a peek at the guest list. If you RSVP, you’ll be added to a group chat to get know a bit about each other 24 hours before the event. This is the only moment you’ll spend talking to people online, the rest will unfold at the event.

Crush Club gatherings will take place in secret locations across Manhattan. This is not a speed dating event. This is a party — full of interesting and like-minded folks, carefully curated based on interests, values, and community groups. It’s like meeting the tribe you didn’t know you were a part of.

We believe in the law of attraction. If you focus on being your authentic self, then you will naturally attract the right kind of people around you. Don’t they say it just happens when you aren’t trying too hard? Just keep it 💯.

Online dating is more complicated than it needs to be. It has given us unrealistic expectations and more anxiety about finding “the one”. Well, the Ancient Greeks had a more holistic definition of love, they identify 6 types:

  • 💋 👅 🔥 Sexual passion (Eros)
  • 🤗 🤝 👩‍❤️‍👩 Deep friendship (Philia)
  • 🙈 👯 ⚽️ Playful love (Ludus)
  • 🌍 😇 🌈 Selfless love (Agape)
  • 💗 💫 💍 Longstanding love (Pragma)
  • 💖 💆 👑 Self-Love (Philautia)

The more you enrich your life with these types of relationships, the more you will thrive. Crush Club is meant for you to find all 6 forms, but it begins with a crush — that initial moment where you meet and feel a connection with someone. So you might make a new friend, find your business partner, or even your next date.

It’s time to approach online dating differently, are you up for it?

💘 💘 💘 💘 💘 💘 💘💘 Click here to get started 💘 💘 💘💘 💘 💘 💘 💘

FAQs 🤔

🎉 When are these events happening?

The first Crush Club is launching this FRIDAY April 21st. But we have scheduled sessions the following weeks so be sure to sign up! Please note that you might not be invited to the first event. It depends if we have enough for certain pools of people. So tell all your friends! The more people sign up, the more parties we can host.

🤷‍ Who are you inviting to these parties?

Based on your survey results and the power of data science, we will try to curate guests lists based on shared values, interests, and communities. However, we make sure the guest list is diverse and inclusive!

😳 Why are you asking so many questions?

We want to make sure we connect you people you get along with. You’re only going to do this once. It seems a lot but it’s really minimal effort down the road. Answers are confidential, no one will see the results except you. Pro-tip: Answer the survey honestly, that will improve your results!

🔮 How do you decide who is invited?

We have a sorting hat method, like in Harry Potter, matching based on shared values and passions. We also compare big 5 personality traits (the 20 questions). Referencing psychology theory from Dr. Michal Kosinksi’s research, his work indicates that humans prefer to bond with people who have similarities in these areas. We won’t bore you with the science but if you are curious, reach out to nerd out.

🙄 I don’t do well in social gatherings

Every Crush Club event will have a host to help facilitate things. When you arrive at the event, there will be some icebreakers to make it easier for you to chat with folks. Don’t worry, we’ll be there to support you!

🙆 Why are you doing this?

My name is Ruth, I’m doing my Masters in Interaction Design at SVA. For the past 7 months, I’ve been studying Online Dating for my thesis. I’ve analyzed this topic through the lens of design, psychology, neuroscience, economics, and behavioural science. After hearing everyone complain about online dating, I thought I’d look for opportunities to improve human interaction and connection.

🤓 I want to learn more about your work

Read about major lessons, insights, and other dating experiments on the blog: Tinder Lovin’.

🙋 Have more questions?

Feel free to reach out on Twitter: @ruthtupe

💘 💘 💘 💘 💘 💘 💘💘 Click here to get started 💘 💘 💘💘 💘 💘 💘 💘



Ruth Tupe
Tinder Lovin’

Addicted to: coffee, period dramas, and making sense of things. Interaction designer, researcher, strategist.