Intersection SF

A Human Connection experiment by Crush Club 🙌🏽

Ruth Tupe
Tinder Lovin’
4 min readFeb 14, 2018


Find Authentic Connections

Since it’s Valentine’s day, it’s only fitting that I make this announcement…we are officially launching a new project in SF 😱.

After successfully launching Crush Club in New York, I have to say, the response has been incredible. Something that started out as a question to challenge online dating, I’m realizing is speaking to broader phenomenon happening in all major cities: why is it so hard to find people to connect with? How can I make new friends as an adult? How can I meet new people outside of my own circle?

I’m hearing lots of stories of people using dating apps JUST to make friends or just make new connections. This is why we are launching a spin-off project called Intersection SF— a human connection experiment, with my new co-conspirators, Anna and Katrina, to bring the focus back to human connection. Using lessons learned from Crush Club, we’ll host events to make it easier for you to meet people you’ll get along with and take away the unnecessary friction of technology.

🎉 First party is happening March 26th! 🎉 wtf is Crush Club? 🤔

Crush Club is social experiment and event designed to change the way you approach relationships. It was a project I launched for my thesis that challenged online dating today.

The approach is simple. We throw parties and gatherings for you to meet and hang out. It is not a speed dating event. It is a party — full of interesting and like-minded folks, carefully curated based on interests, values, and community groups. It’s like meeting the tribe you didn’t know you were a part of. All you have to do is show up but leave your expectations at the door. We have games and activities to help you connect. And honestly, we don’t care if you play any of them. We just want you to have fun.

Learn more about the project on my blog:

Get in on this movement, it’s easy!

1. Reserve a ticket by March 22nd

Get a ticket to reserve a spot. We’ll have some drinks provided for you. The ticket is refundable if you aren’t on the guest list for March 26th.

2. Fill out the Survey ✍🏽

Make a quick but thorough profile to describe who you really are. The best part is, this profile is not public, no need to worry about how people will judge you. This only helps us figure out what party to invite you to.

3. Harry Potter Sorting Hat 🔮

We’ll spin up guests lists based on your personality and interests. We make sure there is diversity but make sure you have enough in common. Essentially, are you House Gryffindor or Slytherin?

4. Get Invited! 💌

Once we have enough in a tribe, we throw a party for them! You will receive an invitation to the secret location. No randos, everyone is there for a reason. If you aren’t invited, that means you are super special and need to find more unique humans like you.

5. Party! 🎉

Meet some interesting folks without the hassle of trying to figure out if people want to be friends.

👉🏽 Sign Up Here

✊🏽 The blog post that started this movement

✌🏽 Oh and Happy Valentine’s Day ya’ll!


Ruth + Anna + Katrina

P.S. Keep Crushin’ It ❤


FAQs 🤔

🎉 When are these events happening?

The first Intersection SF is launching this March 26th, 2018. But we have scheduled parties the following weeks so be sure to sign up! Please note that you might not be invited to the first party. Depends on numbers. So tell all your friends! The more people sign up, the more parties we can host.

🤷‍ Who are you inviting to these parties?

Based on your survey results and the power of data science, we will try to curate guests lists based on shared values, interests, and communities. However, we make sure the guest list is diverse and inclusive!

😳 Why are you asking so many questions?

We want to make sure we connect you people you get along with. You’re only going to do this once. It seems a lot but it’s really minimal effort down the road. Answers are confidential, no one will see the results except you. Pro-tip: Answer the survey honestly, that will improve your results!

🔮 How do you decide who is invited?

We have a sorting hat method, like in Harry Potter, matching based on shared values and passions. We also compare big 5 personality traits (the 20 questions). Referencing psychology theory from Dr. Michal Kosinksi’s research, his work indicates that humans prefer to bond with people who have similarities in these areas. We won’t bore you with the science but if you are curious, reach out to nerd out.

🙄 I don’t do well in social gatherings

Every event will be hosted by Anna + Katrina. When you arrive at the event, there will be some icebreakers to make it easier for you to chat with folks. Don’t worry, we’ll be there to support you!

🙆 Why are you doing this?

My name is Ruth, I just completed my Masters in Interaction Design at SVA studying Online Dating for my thesis. I’ve analyzed this topic through the lens of design, psychology, neuroscience, economics, and behavioural science. After hearing everyone complain about online dating, I thought I’d look for opportunities to improve human interaction and connection.

🤓 I want to learn more about your work

Read about major lessons, insights, and other dating experiments on the blog: Tinder Lovin’.

🙋 Have more questions?

Feel free to reach out on Twitter: @ruthtupe



Ruth Tupe
Tinder Lovin’

Addicted to: coffee, period dramas, and making sense of things. Interaction designer, researcher, strategist.