Tinderview Update #1

Jeremy Lambert
Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2017

First off, thanks to everyone who has supported Tinderview since the launch last week. I’m grateful to anyone and everyone who has shared, read, or just clicked on the site. This was an idea I had on a whim and I wasn’t sure I would go through with it, but I’m glad I did. I still don’t know what I’m doing, but I’m trying. I’ve learned a lot about the app and people through this experiment and I hope to keep sharing those stories with everyone.

There will be no new Tinderview until Sunday due to my interview schedule. I was fortunate to have three interviews within the first week of using the app, but things slowed down after that.

Through my own experience and in talking to others, I’ve learned that things can be very hit and miss. Conversations that seem to be going well can stop out of nowhere or people may not message you at all. There’s also the reality of being stood up, which has happened to me on more than one occasion.

For those that care, I post the Tinderview two weeks after the actual interview. This gives me time to write the story, talk with my subject about any changes they may want to make, and edit it. Like I tell everyone I talk to, this isn’t done for malicious intent. It’s done because I think everyone has a story to tell and I’m honored that they’re willing to let me tell it for them.

I’m extremely excited about the next three Tinderviews. Sunday’s is about a female who is on Tinder for the adventure/dating experience and she has some crazy stories about who she has met through the app and the dates she’s been on. Next Thursday’s is about a 19-year-old who grew up abused by his father and just got out of an abusive relationship. And Next Friday’s is about an Asian male who has struggled finding dates on the app due to his race.

Thanks again to anyone who has read/shared the articles or the site. Specifically, my mom who shares every post on her Facebook and my wife who helps me edit the stories. Also, thanks again for Matt Rutkowski for the graphics. I think at least half the clicks come from people seeing the awesome logo and wondering what the hell this is all about. Finally, thanks to the people on Tinder, who are kind enough to give me their time and sharing their stories with a stranger.

