Tinderview Update #2

Jeremy Lambert
Published in
1 min readOct 13, 2017

It’s been a while since the latest Tinderview and for that I apologize. Unfortunately, life has gotten a bit in the way.

I haven’t been active in looking for new potential Tinderviews as I’ve been working on other projects and I still have two more Tinderviews to write. Once I get those done, I’ll be back to my swiping ways.

Aside from other projects taking my attention, my wife has is currently in a hospital in Utah. She’s been my editor throughout this process and I can’t continue without her. Most of the stories would be unreadable if she wasn’t checking my grammar and giving me notes. Even when I finish writing the two stories already recorded, they won’t be posted until she gets a chance to edit them. And, for reasons that should be obvious, I am not going to put this task on her while she’s hospitalized.

I have no intention of giving up this project, I just need to get my wife home and healthy and I need to continue to work on other projects that are more pressing.

Thanks to everyone who has been understanding and reached out.

