Johannes Paulsen
Tinfoil Sombreros
Published in
1 min readMar 17, 2016


I would like to gently ask: what audience was this piece written for?

Was it to convince Donald Trump supporters not to vote for him?

Was it to convince people in the middle that they shouldn’t support Trump?

Was this meant to be a serious factual analysis of Trump and his flaws, and why he shouldn’t be President?

Was it just a rant meant to be read only by the people whose mindsets are already within the same context as your own?

If it was one of the first three, I’d say you may have fallen a bit short of the mark in various ways. If it was the latter, you probably succeeded.



Johannes Paulsen
Tinfoil Sombreros

A Mexican Anchor-Baby writing about Politics, Law, and Life. Firearms-related writing here: