Richard Dreyfuss Goes to a Ted Cruz Rally…

Johannes Paulsen
Tinfoil Sombreros
Published in
1 min readFeb 8, 2016

….and apparently gets pilloried for it in the media.

His son writes:

It’s Stupid That My Actor Dad Is The One Who Has To Teach Us Not To Be Dumb

My father, actor Richard Dreyfuss, is taking heat for attending a Ted Cruz rally. I shouldn’t have to write this, but here goes: curiosity is not a sin.

Alas, we are in the era of identity politics — ethnic identity, political identity, social identity, where “liking” the wrong celebrity gets you flack, and donating to the disfavored political cause gets you fired.



Johannes Paulsen
Tinfoil Sombreros

A Mexican Anchor-Baby writing about Politics, Law, and Life. Firearms-related writing here: