13 Top Tips to Manage Your Anxious Attachment Style in A New Relationship

Having an anxious attachment style is not easy. It can be really, really hard.

Ellen Nguyen
Loveful Mind
Published in
11 min readJul 3, 2020



I used to suffer from severe anxiety when it comes to romantic relationships.

The early stage of dating was practically hell for me.

I was constantly worried about being ignored, plans getting cancelled; undefined situations with sporadic communication pained me.

It was a very distinct type of anxiety which later I learned was part of my anxious attachment style.

What is an attachment style?

Attachment styles were originally theorised by John Bowlby, a British psychologist, to assess an infant’s behaviours when separated from the attachment figure, the mother.

Based on the infant-mother interactions, this theory characterised an infant into four groups: secure, anxious, avoidant, and disorganised. In this article, I will focus primarily on the secure and anxious attachment style.

What do these attachment styles mean for adults?

In the context of romantic relationships, an adult with a secure attachment style is comfortable expressing their…



Ellen Nguyen
Loveful Mind

Freelance writer & digital creator | London based | Psychology BSc. Editor of LovefulMind.com, empowering women.